Family Magazine

A Long Weekend and Nine Loves

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hi friends, TGIF!! This post is a little late today because I took the day off (yay for long weekends!!) to spend with Ashton.  Since I missed out on a lot of playtime while I was in Chicago, I decided we would have a fun Mommy and Ashton day.  We jumped in the car early this morning and made the 40 minute drive West to go visit my Mom and sister.  We went to visit the Dr. Seuss memorial in Springfield and the caught an early lunch before heading home so Ashton could nap.  It was such a great morning, here are some of my favorite pics from the day! Dr Seuss collage I just love this kid, he is such a fireball of energy!  He crashed hard and is now peacefully napping, so here I am.  So, I mentioned last week that I was going to do a mini-series on Friday’s called the 10 Day You Challenge.  Well, here we are, back at Friday, so on to day 2!! 10 day you challenge Day Two:  Nine loves 1. Robyn It’s been over 9 years and I am still crazy about this man.  He makes me laugh and feel loved every single day and is an incredible Dad.  I never believed that I could find a true partner in this life, but he is everything I have ever wanted or needed. While no relationship is perfect, I feel very, very thankful that we found each other. laughing at robyn2. Ashton I talked briefly about this in my first post in this series, but I am truly thankful that Robyn and I decided we would try and have a child.  While I know we would have had a great life just the two of us, this kid lights up my (and our) life.  There is absolutely nothing in the world a smile, hug and/or kiss from his little monster can’t fix.  He has his moments like all kids do, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  I have never known love like this before, and every single day is an adventure with him. ash hike sunday 5-18 3. My family I don’t have a big family, there are only 3 of us, but I feel so lucky that I am really close to my Mom and sister.  Even though they like to drive me crazy at times, they are always there for me when I need them and I love them so much! mom,ash, ashton and i 4. Morgan My sweet, sweet boy!  There truly is nothing like the unconditional love of a dog.  No matter what happens or how you act, they love you no matter what.  In the 8 years we have had Morgan, his cuddles and kisses and happiness when I am around has helped me more than he will ever know.  I am so thankful to be his “mama!” morgan 5. Exercise I  have always been an athlete and really can’t imagine my life without exercise in it.  A workout can help calm me, invigorate me, and so much more.  They aren’t kidding when they say you can get high off endorphins! workout-good mood 6. Reading Reading is one of my favorite hobbies (next to working out.)  There is nothing like getting lost in a book for hours on end.  Reading helps me relax and it’s a very common occurrence for me to sit down to start a book and not get up until it has been finished in one sitting.  I read at least 1 book a week, I am currently reading The Fault in Our Stars and am really enjoying it, although it’s caused a lot of waterworks. books 7. Traveling I was bitten by the (international) travel bug when I was given the opportunity to travel abroad to play soccer when I was a teen.  Since then, there is rarely a year that goes by that I don’t get in some significant travel.  I feel very, very fortunate enough to be able to travel and see amazing places and there are just so many more places that I want to travel to and explore with my boys. Thankfully Robyn shares my love of traveling and we have a very similar travel style, and we can’t wait for Ashton to come explore with us! travel 8. Sleep I wish I could say I am one of those people who doesn’t need at least 7 hours of sleep a night, but I am just not.  I NEED sleep and because of that, even on the weekends, I am usually in bed asleep no later than 10 p.m. Best believe9.  Music Music is really such a powerful force.  It can remind you of things past and present, it can help motivate and inspire.  I listen to A LOT of music.  I commute 3+ hours a day, so I listen to it then, in addition to anytime I am in my office, I have Spotify on.  I don’t think this is a day that goes by that I don’t listen to at least a few hours of music.  While I am 90% of the time listening to country music, I am currently obsessed with Sam Smith (if you don’t know who he is, Google him IMMEDIATELY), so most of my listening over the past 6 or so weeks has been spent listening to his powerful voice. I can’t pick a favorite song of his, I love them all! Oh my gosh! This is so true! There is one song that comes on the radio, and all these memories from 8 years ago start pouring in!


Question of the day

What are some of your loves?

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