Fashion Magazine

A Little Punk

By Amogere14

Remember when this tartan skirt made it’s way into my blog last year?  This is probably the third time I’ve worn this skirt since that time. Surprising, right?  I bought the skirt simply to get out of my comfort zone – the comfort zone being that I hardly wear red/have any red clothes in my closet- and also because of my love for prints. I know it’s a little contradicting, but I hardly am ever drawn to prints with any sort of red color on them. This time round, I thought to whip out the skirt from the depths of my closet and give it another spin. This time, I went for a sort of girly punk look. My sister’s jacket made for a better prop than my own faux leather one that you guys probably know all too well. Paired with a layered chain necklace, caged sandals and red lips to finish off the girly feel of what would otherwise be quite a punk-inspired outfit.


Jacket – My sister’s

Tee – Monki

Skirt – Missguided

Heels – c/o Backyard Shoez

Necklace – old

Earrings – F21 (old)

Sunnies – Gifted

Lip Colour – MAC Ruby Woo & MAC Nightmoth lipliner




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Photos taken by my lovely girl Loretta. :)

Have a great week guys!


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