Family Magazine

a Little Nonsense Video Upload.yes. It`s Me Trying to Exp...

By Nonibaumann

a little nonsense video upload.

yes. it`s me trying to explore some technical things, like uploading a video...a  small step for mankind, a big for me...
by the way, do you know "vine"? It`s a new app, something like instagram but just for videos (maybe just a bit more "hipster" because not so many people already know about can still hop on the train, but don`t tell anyone:),
basically you just can make some funny, weired videos like that... 
oh yes and it´s still snowing around here (as you can see) and it doesn`t seem to end, we still wait for a glimpse of spring,  so meanwhile we only can help ourselves by making some nonsense videos like these out in the snow...
have a great day, noni! 

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