Creativity Magazine

A Glorious Day

By Vickilane

A Glorious Day
We have been blessed with wonderful weather recently. An inch and a half of rain  followed by temperatures in the seventies, dipping below sixty at night. It's the kind of weather people move to the mountains hoping to find.  Usually the last week of July has us wishing we'd moved to Maine or Canada but not this year.
A Glorious Day Jenny Wren is raising her second brood this summer, behind the speaker on the porch. The hatchlings are all NPR listeners, whether they like it or not.
A Glorious Day The hummers, too, have multiplied. I have to refill this big feeder daily.
A Glorious Day
A few late daylilies still brighten up the place.
A Glorious Day
While this giant whatever-it-is basks in the sun. I spent most of the day outside -- tying up the tomatoes -- which are just beginning to ripen, spraying the broccoli, kale, and collards with Thuricide to kill the caterpillars that are turning the leaves to lace, doing a little weedeating -- only a little, drat it, because my back goes into spasms if I overdo.  But what a day it was! I don't know what August will bring but these lovely cool days are like balm for the soul and nothing can take them away.
A Glorious Day

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