Creativity Magazine

A Gathering of Cousins

By Vickilane
A Gathering of Cousins
Yesterday nieces and nephews and a great niece came from Tampa and Charlottesville and Asheville for a quick reunion and to meet the newest member of the clan. There was barbecue and food in plenty and much talking and laughing on the front porch. The farm has been a special place for these cousins since they were young.
A Gathering of Cousins
Lily and Ali fell in love with each other when she was here several years ago and there's still a special something between them.
It's a wonderful thing to see the gang together. 
 A Gathering of Cousins
Before they all arrived at noon, I made a lemon pound cake and when I went into the kitchen to take it out of the oven, the rich sweet smell and the comfortable warmth suddenly transported me back to my grandmother's kitchen sixty-odd years ago and I wallowed in nostalgia. And then I realized, with a bit of a shock -- dang! -- now I'm the grandmother! 
A Gathering of Cousins '

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