Moving right along with my cleaning and culling of books. This is the loft that opens to the living room and here are my children's books. Many are from my childhood and then there are those that I acquired when my sons' elementary school got a new librarian who tossed out a lot of elderly books from the Thirties, Forties, and Fifties.

Louisa May Alcott books -- newish copies as those from my childhood were read to pieces -- and a mixed bag of Oz books -- some from my youth, some from my older boy's. Alice in Wonderland, The Dark is Rising series, the Jerry Todd books that belonged to my father -- Black Stallion books -- I haven't reread those in a very long time. There's a Freddy the Pig book and a Mushroom Planet book. . . and just the sight of many of these books take me back to the library at Roosevelt Elementary or Wilson Junior High, or the branch library that I read my way through.

The Just So Stories, the Wrinkle in Time series , the Narnia books (the library at St. John's Episcopal Church and my Scoutmistress who introduced me to Narnia.) The Anne of Green Gables series and Evelyn, my godmother who sent me a new one every year on my birthday.
Pamela and the Blue Mare, Tick Tock and Jim, The Green Grass of Wyoming and Thunderhead -- more evidence of my horse phase in junior high. I've set aside the Pooh Books and Mother Goose and several books for the very young, looking forward to reading them to Josie some day. The boys' Dr. Seuss books are in a cubby hole somewhere -- must dig them out. I hope she'll love to read -- I hope she'll love some of these books as much as I loved reading my grandmother's books. I don't recall ever thinking that Jo and Beth and Meg and Amy were dated -- they were just girls.