Books Magazine

A Few Favorites From 2013

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

I read a pretty eclectic selection of books and not necessarily the newest releases {apparent when you scan through the favorites list below}.  But, I met my goal for reading this year, and now I’m wondering if I’ll get a Six Flags Ticket or Atlanta Braves ticket or even more preferably, an Atlanta Falcons ticket for accomplishing my reading goals this year?!?  Hmmm, do they give out prizes to the reading adults yet?!? :-D

Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly:  I listened to the audio version and was blown away!  A fantastic novel paired with amazing narrators = Favorite Audiobook from 2013!

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain:  I knew I was introverted before reading this. . .after reading Quiet I knew I was in the company of many famous introverts such as Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks.  This book made me proud to be the “quiet” person that I am.   Definitely my favorite non-fiction book read in 2013!

Slimmer: The New Mediterranean Way to Lose Weight:  I shared my aversion to 4 letter words in this post ~ especially ones that begin with d and end with iet!  Slimmer makes health sense to me and the recipes are easy, tantalizing and good for you!  My favorite cookbook for 2013!

Little Dinos Don’t Bite:  This came at an opportune moment during the Little Monkey’s 2 year old stage in life.  He never really got into biting (thank God!) but he did bite books & stuffed animals & toys & washcloths & clothes & . . .well, you get the idea

 Favorite picture book and for good reason!

Mister Max and The Book of Lost Things:  a precocious 12-year old, missing parents, numerous references to great plays and literature, and lost things in need of finding = favorite middle-grade read for 2013!

Thirteen Reasons Why:  a novel to wrench your heart out and found on too many banned book lists; Thirteen Reasons Why has been a Young Adult + Banned Book Favorite for years.  Should be required reading for every adult who works with, knows one, or has ever been a young adult.

Proof (Bloodline Trilogy #1):  it’s always a profound moment when a book you begin suddenly sucks you in and won’t let go until the last sentence is read.  Proof was that surprise book for me this year.  Unexpected. Exhilarating. A Knock-out.  Favorite Christian Fiction for 2013.

The Silent Wife:  This year was the year of the psychological thriller and while everyone was talking Gillian Flynn {for good reasons}; I found A.S.A. Harrison to be the one to get under my skin.  Favorite Mystery/Thriller from 2013!

The Elegance of the Hedgehog:  Our “Girls with Books Bookclub” selection for November and one that I hated during the first couple of chapters.  Am I so glad I persevered because this one soon overtook me.  Favorite book club read for 2013.

Once We Were Brothers:  This was another surprise hit for me and the world as well.  Started off as a self-published novel and after selling over 200,000 copies was picked up by St. Martin’s.  Don’t you just love stories like that!  Favorite Historical Fiction for 2013.

City of Dark Magic:  Quite the unexpected surprise when I read this one!  I thought it was YA and all of the sudden it very clearly was, um, very much adult.  Nothing over the top or getting into the Fifty Shade of Gray mode, but this one is adult.  But hilarious.  And fun.  And magical.  Favorite Genre-Busting Novel of 2013.

I don’t have an overall favorite from this past year ~ the last time I had one of those was after reading 11-22-63 by Stephen King and I’m not even a Stephen King fan!   Nothing has quite surpassed that one yet.

 This past year was my year of hospital visits.  Three surgeries, 5 ER visits and countless doctor appointments.   And 2014 is going to be my year of accomplishment.  I’ve already set that resolution, made that goal, announced that intention, provided a clear purpose, etc. etc..  For 2013 though, I’m so full of gratitude for surviving the year, blogging for year no. 4, and still having the ability and desire to do it again next year.  Thank you for being a part of this reading journey and life adventure.

How about you?

Do you have a favorite from 2013 or are you stuck on a fave from a few years back?  

I’d love to know what your favorite is so I can pump up my TBR list for 2014!

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By Laura Fabiani
posted on 30 December at 23:11

What a great list. I have Revolution but have yet to read it. Quiet is on my list. I will post my list of best reads tomorrow.