notpolitically: Hi Robert – Just curious what do you think you about Sikhs and Jains? Are they too fully Hinduized, and do they also have the f*cked up Indian Mindset?
Where do you see India in the next 50- 100 years?
Also Indians are scared The West is catching onto the BS and closing the immigration doors (could not have happened sooner).
Also what do you think about US/Western Born Indian such as 2nd/3rd Generation Immigrants? I noticed this ABCD in South Asians generally. The Whole Subcontinent is f*cked beyond hope IMHO.
Sikhs are absolutely fully Hinduized and not just Hinduized, which is bad enough, but in addition to that, they are Indianized, which is the worst of all and is the source of the whole problem with these otherwise interesting people. By the way, my Sikh physician agrees with me.Sikhs are absolutely fully Hinduized and not just Hinduized, which is bad enough, but in addition to that, they are Indianized, which is the worst of all and is the source of the whole problem with these otherwise interesting people. By the way, my Sikh physician agrees with me.
Jains, I have no idea, but they are some of the most casteist Indians of all , so I don’t care if they save the lives of flies and bugs and rats. They obviously care more about these vermin than their fellow men. And I met a Jain man once who told me they didn’t take converts and I would not be a good Jain anyway, so forget about converting. They seem pretty Hinduized and possibly Indianized themselves.
I do not know how I see India in 50-100 years. They completely lack introspection and their ego defenses are so high that I don’t see how they can change for the better. Humans with those attributes sure can’t. Why shouldn’t nations (conglomerations of humans) be the same?
The 2nd and 3rd generation Punjabis seem very Westernized, but they still only marry other Punjabis and they mostly hang out with their own kind also. But other than that, many are quite assimilated. The American born Hindus are much worse. We have Gujaratis in my city and they are much worse than the Punjabis, they strictly only associate with their own kind, and they are some of the most arrogantly and obviously casteist Indians I have ever met! I hate to say it but Gujaratis are just not very good people. They don’t assimilate very well here. Punjabis assimilate so much better.