November 15, 2013, admin, Family, Thoughts & Feelings, , 1
These last few months I have been struggling to adjust to being a full time Mum. Now don’t get me wrong, I love being a Mum. It is the hardest best job in the World. But I miss that part of me that just gets to be me. Sitting behind a computer doing what I’m good at, and having that all important break from dirty nappies and washing.
I think one of the things that has made it harder is living where we are. I left everyone behind when we moved to Yorkshire from Lincolnshire and, although I have made a couple of friends I have never really settled. The only thing that has kept me sane is being close to my Mum! This time next year we are hoping to be back in Lincolnshire – home. I am really looking forward to going back and hope it will help me feel more settled.
The past couple of weeks with Big Mr A being away I have tried to look at it from a different angle. I do feel lucky that he earns just enough so that I don’t have to worry about work. How many Mums would love to be able to take their children to school everyday and stay at home with them when they are poorly rather than having to worry about what work are going to say?
I am lucky that my blogging brings in a little bit of spare cash for the luxuries and the Little A’s get lots of treats that they wouldn’t usually get. I feel like I am still contributing financially to the house, even if it isn’t a lot!
I may not do as much housework as I should, however, I try and have lots of fun with the Little A’s and I’d rather have a few dirty pots lying around than a sad Little A that just wants to play with Mummy!
Now Little Mr A is in Year 1 at school I am realising how quickly time flies when you have children and I would hate to look back and feel that I had missed out on them growing up. Big Mr A’s work is very full on at the moment and he isn’t getting to spend much time with them and I know he sometimes feels he is missing out on them.
So for now I am content with being ‘just a Mum’ and know that in a few years both the Little A’s will be at school and I will be moaning about having to go back to work!