Politics Magazine

“A Bit About Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

Posted on the 14 December 2016 by Calvinthedog

A Bit about Northeast Indians

by Magneto

Not many people are aware that there’s an entirely different race of people living within the boundaries of the Indian nation. On the far eastern side of India to the north and east of Bangladesh, there are seven “Northeastern” states consisting of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. The population in these states is basically Asian, and they look like a mix between Chinese and Thai.

They have a totally different culture than Indians, and quite frankly it doesn’t make sense for them to be living within the boundaries of the Indian nation. In fact, most Northern people are quite unhappy with India and Indians and hate Indian people to boot. A lot of the rape that happens in the big cities is targeting Northeastern women, who Indian men perceive to be easy.

“A Bit about Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

Two Northeastern women.

Northeast girls are quite beautiful, and if you like Asian women, you’ll like them a lot. They are a lot more culturally open than Indians, and they are mostly Christian. Northeastern people face a lot of racism in India, but a lot of it is probably due to the fact that Indians are jealous of them because Northeastern people tend to be a lot more intelligent than Indians.

“A Bit about Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

More Northeastern women.

Many Northeastern peoples are fighting for and demanding independent countries because they are sick of being abused, raped, and tortured by Indians. Indians are a vicious, racist, and psychopathic race of people, easily the most racist people on the planet.

“A Bit about Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

Beautiful women from a beauty pageant.

Northeastern people are living in the 21st century, and the women wear mini-skirts, short shorts, tank tops, and other revealing clothing. This drives the morally hypocritical Indians insane and in particular makes the men go crazy as they drool in lust over them. If you’re a White guy living in India, I would suggest entirely avoiding Indian women (unless you have a fetish for them, as I unfortunately do) and go for Northeastern girls instead. They all speak very good English and are very culturally compatible  with Westerners. Northeastern girls have hot bodies and don’t have any body fat. It’s extremely rare to meet an Indian girl who doesn’t have body fat, but Northeastern chicks have good figures,and that’s another reason they are quite popular in the prostitution market.

“A Bit about Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

Some hot women from Mizoram.

The food is quite interesting from the Northeast. They don’t use a shitload of oils and butter like Indians do, so their food is a lot healthier. It mostly consists of rice, light soups, steamed leafy greens, and a few interesting other vegetable dishes.

All in all, the Northeastern people would be better off if they became independent from India and perhaps even joined China. China would definitely develop their area and make it ultra-modern. It could also help China’s marriage problem, since there are a shortage of marriageable women in China.

If an Indian ever accuses you of racism or “White privilege”, just ask the Indian about how Indians treat Northeastern Indians in their own country or African students, for that matter.

“A Bit about Northeast Indians,” by Magneto

Some pretty Northeastern women around collage age.

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