Family Magazine

A Big Girl’s Bed

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

November 20, 2013, admin, Family, , 2

Little Miss A hasn’t been sleeping well at night for months.  Every night she was in our bed and, although she would settle quite quickly, we couldn’t get a proper night’s sleep whilst she was in with us.

We had exactly the same problem with Little Mr A and, shortly after his first birthday changed his cot into the toddler bed which seemed to help.  We have been thinking about doing the same for Little Miss A for a couple of months, however, felt she was still too small.

A couple of weekends ago we finally gave in and changed the cot into the bed.  Enough was enough!

She is sleeping so much better in there.  I think part of her problem was getting herself tangled in a sleeping bag and having a pillow and duvet means she is much comfier.

We still have a long way to go, however, have all been getting a lot more sleep!  The latest she has slept in her own bed until is 5am, with a usual time of 3am coming in our bed but we will persevere!

As you can see, she is very happy with her ‘new’ bed!

A big girl’s bed
A big girl’s bed
A big girl’s bed
A big girl’s bed
A big girl’s bed

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