Lifestyle Magazine

A Beautiful English Wedding at The Manor House, Combe

By Claire

So much to show you today, such a gor­geous wed­ding — and you know, for me the very best bit about Emma and Burnsy’s wed­ding is the love and laughter.

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (51)
This really is a fab­u­lous designer wed­ding day — with so many details and moments to share with you I’m split­ting the blog fea­ture over two days. Today — the bridal prepa­ra­tions and wed­ding cer­e­mony are all yours. Emma and her girls had the best morn­ing ever — and there are some lovely pho­tos which are guar­an­teed to bring a big smile to your face! I think today I’ll make the most of show­ing you that gor­geous Vera Wang designer wed­ding dress as well.

Tomor­row: there’ll be more from the wed­ding recep­tion at the fab­u­lous Manor House wed­ding venue in Combe (the Cotswolds). Emma wore the loveli­est hair acces­sory and added a dif­fer­ent belt to acces­sorise her wed­ding dress for the sec­ond part of the day — so this wed­ding blog fea­ture fits nicely into two parts.

All pho­tographs are by the — let’s say it again! — award win­ning wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers CG Wed­dings, aka The Craw­leys, from Cheshire.

A designer wed­ding blog — from The Manor House, Combe

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (50)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (49)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (48)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (47)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (46)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (45)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (44)

The bride and groom

Emma & Richard Burns

Who pro­posed, and how?

Burnsy pro­posed on a roman­tic sunny pic­nic at the Four Sea­sons in Hampshire

Wed­ding venue

The Manor House, Cas­tle Combe

Wed­ding photographer

Liam Craw­ley, CG Weddings

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Soft and roman­tic

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (43)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (42)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (41)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (40)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (39)

The Wed­ding Dress

I wore the incred­i­ble Diana dress by Vera Wang, Chris­t­ian Louboutin sil­ver sparkle Pigalle shoes and two dif­fer­ent belts by Vera Wang for the cer­e­mony and reception.

The groom’s outfit

Burnsy wore a navy blue morn­ing suit hired from Moss Bros with a Grey Top Hat and pink waist­coat to match the Brides­maid dresses.

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UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (37)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (36)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (35)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (34)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (33)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (32)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (31)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (30)

UK wedding photography blog CG weddings (29)

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments (part one!)

Laugh­ing out loud the whole car­riage ride with my dad on the way to the cer­e­mony. Feel­ing like Burnsy and I were the only 2 peo­ple at our cer­e­mony thanks to the way the Gazebo was dressed.

There’s more from Emma’s wed­ding report tomor­row, includ­ing the beau­ti­ful wed­ding venue decor, that stun­ning head­band (I promise — Emma looks amaz­ing!), and wed­ding day advice from the bride and groom.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

The Craw­leys have just won arm­fuls of awards from the UK’s Mas­ter Pho­tog­ra­phers Asso­ci­a­tion — they won MPA North West Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­pher of the Year, MPA North West Cre­ative Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­pher of the Year and MPA North West Reportage Wed­ding Pho­tog­ra­pher of the Year. Con­grat­u­la­tions Liam and Bee!

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I’m always on the look­out for new wed­dings, engage­ment pho­tog­ra­phy and inspi­ra­tion shoots to fea­ture on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. If you’re a wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher based in Eng­land or the UK I’d love to hear from you. Click on Sub­mit in the top menu for more infor­ma­tion or email me: [email protected] with a link to your blog post.

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