Athletics Magazine

7 Reasons I Cannot Stop Talking About Running

By Brisdon @shutuprun

There are so many things I LOVE about this short video called “First Person to Run a Marathon Without Talking About It.”

If you haven’t watched it, it is probably worth the two minutes and forty seconds of your life. Basically, it pokes fun at us marathoners who feel the need to constantly discuss the fact that we are training for/running a marathon.

Oh, hey, yeah I can’t go out for drinks tonight. I have my long run in the morning because I am TRAINING FOR A MARATHON!”

I’m sorry I’m kind of out of it today. Did I tell you I’m tired because I’m TRAINING FOR A MARATHON??”

You probably are wondering why I’m shuffling up the steps and am in pain. Did I tell you I RAN A MARATHON THIS WEEKEND??”

Did you notice my new necklace? Yea, that’s actually a medal from when I RAN MY MARATHON LAST WEEKEND!!”

IMG_5271Whaaatt?? It goes with my outfit.

We are all a bit too uptight. We all need to learn to laugh at ourselves and not take ourselves so very seriously. Yes, if we have every training for a marathon or half marathon probably everyone in our lives knows it. And, why not? It’s a huge accomplishment, it requires a crap load of our time and it deserves some bragging rights.

This video could also be called, “She Never Even Put a 26.2 Sticker on Her Car.”

Let’s REALLY break it down. Why do we need to talk of our running so much? Why do we share it all over social media? Why do we blog about it?

Okay, for you .2% who are much better than the rest of us and NEVER discuss your running, this does not apply to you.

I don’t consider myself to OVER share with my running (only with other runners), but I do kind of like to talk about it if someone asks. Here’s what I would tell people who are annoyed by my talk of running (With a small dose of sarcasm. What is there not a sarcasm font?):

1. Just like you enjoy hitting a very small white ball into a very small hole every Sunday and relish in telling me your score (which doesn’t mean anything to me, much like running a sub-3 hour marathon probably means nothing to you), running is my passion, hobby, sanity. Excuse me if it seeps out of my pores sometimes. 

2. Only 1% of the population runs a marathon. That means I am special and strong and need to be acknowledged! Just like someone who visits the moon or meets Taylor Swift or completes the cinnamon challenge! This is life changing and something people should be in awe of!

3. Maybe I have nothing that is worthwhile talking about except training for and running a marathon. Maybe all I do everyday is wake up, eat Cheerios, go to work, eat spaghetti, watch Scandal and go to bed. Maybe running a marathon is ALL THAT I HAVE.

4. Okay, so you might not be a runner, but one of the reasons I talk about my marathon training and running is to find a common ground with other people who ARE runners.

5. My parents are not proud of me and I am still trying to get their approval and attention. Oh,  you know a good therapist? Thanks.

6. My kids are lazy so I hope that by talking about my marathon at dinner, at bedtime, at breakfast and at snack time I will rub off on them and they will be inspired.

7. Truth is, I do not really think I can run 26.2 miles. It’s not natural and it seems deviant. If I tell you I am going to run this far then I better run this far or you will judge me and think I’m weak. Maybe me telling you is so that you will hold me accountable!

That’s all I got.

What would you say to people who think you talk too much about your running? (sarcastic or not).

Has anyone ever told you that you talk about running too much? No, but I can read their minds.


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