1. Today I made an omelet in a coffee mug. No pan, no stove, no mess. I cannot believe I am 49 years old and have never done this before. Just goes to prove there is so much more life to live and things to learn! I mean if it's possible to create an omelet in a coffee mug, then the possibilities for other aspects of my life must be limitless.
If you want to create your own omelette, see how to do it HERE.

2. Since I had my little injury a couple of weeks back, I've changed things up a bit. Once more I have learned from my training mistakes. Lesson #1 that I seem to have to learn over and over again is:
I cannot just run. I have to mix it up. My body likes variety and balance.
So, I've been on my bike a fair amount, which has included doing annoying things like this when I reach the top of a big hill.

I've also been swimming at least once per week.
Last week shook out like this:
Running: 21 miles (8 on trails)
Biking: 25 miles
Swimming: 2,000 yards

3. I am refining my race list for this year. It's not overly extensive, but there are some biggies in there.
May 30 - Bolder Boulder 10K
June 3-4 Ragnar Trail Relay (Snowmass/Aspen)
June 18 - Leadville Trail Marathon
August 9-16 - TransRockies Run
October - Chicago Marathon (hopefully, fingers crossed).
You might remember I did the Leadville Heavy Half (15 miles) last year. It single-handely kicked my ass which is exactly why I am going back for more torture. I love a good ass kicking on the trails and nothing makes me feel more alive (except for making an omelet in a coffee mug. BOOM!)

4. In about a month or so, I'll start gearing up for the TransRockies Run. This is my solo 6 day run totaling 120 miles and climbing 20,000 feet. I will probably tell you this 1000 more times before August because it is kind of a big deal and will definitely be the toughest running thing I've done. I'm in fact wondering if it will be harder and more painful than childbirth. I would get an epidural while I'm doing it, but then I'd lose all feeling in the lower half of my body and fall down a mountain. At least I will not be pushing a watermelon out of a straw if you know what I mean.
5. Does anyone else's kids take their phone when they are not looking and take selfies? Is it just my kids and my dog that do this? At least it's pretty damn precious.

6. We just booked a trip to Costa Rica for spring break. Flying into Liberia (west coast) and renting a condo at Playa Flamingo near Tamarindo. This cannot come soon enough. This view!

Ever been to Costa Rica? Any recommendations? Yes, we went 5 years ago, but not to this part of the country.
What race are you most excited for this year? TransRockies