Environment Magazine

54 Grandparents and Grandchildren Blockade ERM

Posted on the 26 July 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

54 Grandparents and Grandchildren Blockade ERM

Earth First! News

54 grandparents and grandkids blocked work inside ERM, the oil contractor in charge of writing the environmental review for the Keystone XL, as part of the Walk for our Grandchildren demonstration to raise consciousness about militarization and climate change.

ERM is a massive corporation hid their ties to big oil companies like Exxon Mobil and even TransCanada—an illegal act that exposes deep conflict of interest.

54 Grandparents and Grandchildren Blockade ERM

So today, activists for Walk for Our Grandchildren locked down in front of the ERM offices, refusing to let business as usual proceed.

54 Grandparents and Grandchildren Blockade ERM

We do have reports of some police violence, but activists held down the barricade for over four hours—a testament to their bravery. All 54 activists have been arrested, and there is a support team working to get them out.

54 Grandparents and Grandchildren Blockade ERM

Here is one rad grannie with her walker being led to the cop van. More updates to come.

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