Fashion Magazine

50 Shades of Green

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

long ramones tank

Can I just start by saying how much I loveeee the holiday season? Everyone just seems so joyful this time of year, and it really rubs off. I, in the spirit of the holiday’s, decided to put together a little shindig for me and my ladies. I have always loved a good gift game, so we decided to meet at the local wine bar with a gift in hand to play a round of white elephant.

It is a fun & festive way to save a buck, while getting an excuse to indulge in some wine and have a girls night out (or you can include men, but frankly I don’t think the gifts would be as good). If you know me, even slightly, you know that I have to shop for a new outfit for any occasion. It is actually pretty ridiculous- I think I have a problem.

Off to H&M it was to do a little damage. Ended up with me having way more than an outfit, but I think I did pretty good nonetheless, plus I got ALL of my presents (whewwww). I am obsessed with getting new clothes, this is seriously not healthy.

horse army leggings

+ I have been coveting some black ankle motorcycle boots (similar) for a realllly long time, and I am so pleased to have them join my shoe collection. I am also seriously dying over these army print horse leggings, I want to live in them every day.

long ramones tank

+ My oh-so-beloved Members Only leather jacket. Such a little gem

necklace headbands

+ I always do weird shit with my jewelry, like wearing necklaces wrapped around my ankle or my boot. I decided to switch things up and throw this blinged out chunky necklace (similar) on my head… now it will go nowhere else. Ever again.

white elephant gift exchange

+ Everyone ended up stoked on their gifts- seriously, everyone got the perfect thing just for them. Worked out perfectly, and was soooo fun & I am in love with my prezzies (sparkly circle purse, hot pink oversized thermal, a skully bracelet, and the best.tea.ever.

50 Shades of Green

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