So, it appears that you have been handed the responsibility of setting up a blog for your company website? However, you shouldn't let the responsibility weigh you down and give you stress. There are several things you can do to ensure the success of the blog. Here are 5 tips to creating a blog for your company website!

1. Does your blog boast of a responsive web design and is it mobile friendly?
If you want the blog for your company website to be successful, it must be compatible with all platforms including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. It shouldn't take your blog much time to load. After all, reliable reports state that more than 60% of smartphone site visits are abandoned when the pages take more than 3 seconds to load. Hence, it is imperative for your blog to be mobile-friendly and consist of a responsive web design.
2. Is the blog informational?
A blog's primary objective is to be as informational as possible. Hence, when creating a blog, it is essential for you to state the products and services provided by the company. The blog must have a summarized description of what the company is, what services it provides, and what its objectives are etc. The name of the company must be mentioned clearly and the description should be anything but ambiguous. The clearer the description, the more attractive it looks to the consumers.
3. Include the reviews of loyal customers
Most of the consumers tend to trust other consumers. Therefore, before buying a particular product, they refer to online reviews posted by other customers to be assured of the business's credentials. Hence, it is of paramount importance for you to post a blog on the site that highlights the positive remarks of the consumers.
4. What about the tone of the blog?
Let's head straight to the point-blogs are not exactly business websites. Therefore, when writing a blog post, it is essential for you to provide useful information in a friendly and personal tone. A blog post must be open-ended, and it must encourage the readers to respond and be interactive. It is important to keep the conversations flowing at all times. You should always write a blog post in a similar tone to how you´d write a letter to your friend. You should know that a blog post is not a dissertation.
5. The content must be simple and easy to read
As we mentioned earlier, a blog post is not a dissertation. Therefore, you must avoid using big words. And, when forming sentences, it is better to structure them well and keep them short. The posts must also be simple and easy to scan. Hence, it is advisable for you to highlight important points and use bullet points where necessary. Captioned images that convey the central points of your blogs can also prove to be extremely beneficial.