Computing Magazine

5 Tips For Making Money Online (2018 Updated)

Posted on the 14 August 2018 by Rahulthepcl

We've come a long way in this digital age. The internet has made our lives easier in some ways, but it's not just for reading the news, catching up with old friends or sending emails anymore.

5 Tips For Making Money Online (2018 Updated)

These days, millions of people are making real money on the internet. All you have to do is take advantage of a few established methods. Here, we tell you the best tips for making money online.

1. Affiliate Marketing

One of the oldest and most developed ways to make money online is by using affiliate marketing. You don't even need to have your products to market: directing customers to the products their searching for using affiliate tracking links can earn you big commissions from the online merchants. You can build your website to showcase these products, or you can blast them to your social media followers or mailing list recipients. Either way, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to
make money online without investment. It's so simple, and affiliate merchants will give you everything you need to get started.

2. Start a Blog

Blogging is arguably one of the most significant current online income generating methods. By blogging about your interests or even a niche where you have identified a market, you can use the power of narrative to hook in your target market. The real power in blogging comes from advertising, and by using services like Google Adwords or even the affiliate tracking links we mentioned earlier, you'll be making money in no time.

3. E-commerce

Blogging isn't for everybody, and that's okay. An alternative is to start an e-commerce website. Again, you don't have to have a warehouse full of products to sell - these days, most e-commerce sites harness the power of drop shipping.
Here, you act as a liaison between the customer and the merchant, selling products directly through your e-commerce site and having them shipped straight to the customer from the merchant. The best thing about e-commerce is that there are minimal start-up costs.

4. Online Surveys

Filling in online reviews is another tried and tested method for making money online. This method is best for those who want flexibility. Brand name companies and market research firms require opinions in order to structure their product development better - and here's where you come in.
You can earn money by answering fundamental questions about your shopping habits. But a word of warning - do your due diligence in researching your chosen survey company as there is scam potential with this method. Go with a company that has a well developed online presence.

5. Freelancing

Freelancing is a great way to make money online if you have a marketable skill such as writing, data entry or computer programming. It does take a bit of work, however. Typically, you get in at the lower level, but once you've established yourself and built an adequate clientele, freelancing can be a lucrative endeavor.


Making money online may seem like a daunting process, but here we've given you a guide to the easiest and best ways to get started. There's no excuse as the startup costs for each of these methods are minimal, and there are many resources out there to get you on your way. Like any venture, with a little time and effort, you'll be making money online in no time.

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