Life Coach Magazine

5 Things I Absolutely Adore About Fall

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

As we begin the last week of September, I can’t help but think about the change of seasons and how much I adore Fall!

I know not everyone is happy to say “Goodbye” to Summer and I’ll admit I do love Summer clothing, but the heat and humidity can be a major downer, at least where I live. Not only do I not enjoy the summer heat, but my pups have a hard time breathing when it’s so humid. This makes me a very unhappy furmom.

5 Things I Absolutely Adore About Fall

Please hear me out. You may remember my previous rant about the unjoys of summer. Now, take a walk in my shoes this Fall.

1.  Cooler Temps

What is not to like about temperatures that are below 80°F? Fall is the time of year when the temps get cooler and the humidity goes away. This allows me to turn down or off my central air in my home and my vehicle. Which will also lower my electric bill! Along with the cooler temps, comes a change of clothing.

2.  Fall Clothing

Don’t get me wrong, I love summer attire. From sundresses to maxi-dresses, tank tops, capris and shorts. However, almost more than my love of that is my love for hoodies, sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and my boots!

5 Things I Absolutely Adore About Fall

3.  Bye Bye Annoying Pests

That’s right! Those pesky flies, bees, wasps and other insects that are a pain in the ass either die off or hibernate for the Fall and Winter months. Not only them, but the damn snakes go underground for a long winter’s nap. No more sneaking up on me and my pups while taking a walk!

4.  Darkness Falls Early

In my household, we go to be early. Hubs and I both get up early during the work week so we’re generally in bed between 7 – 8 pm. Mind you, I lay in bed until 9-10ish before I turn off the tv and doze off to dreamland. With the night darkness coming earlier, it also means my pups will settle down sooner because they can’t see every little thing moving outside. Let me know forget to add in the darker mornings too! Fall is good sleeping in weather!

5.  NFL Sports and Nearing Winter Snow

Oh yes, as Castle Pace we are HUGE fans of NFL (National League Football). My hubs and I are competitive when it comes to our teams so it can bring much pleasure to my home life. When Sunday’s are consumed with watching football and the smell of chili in the crock pot, reminds me that the Winter snow is not far away. This makes me a very happy furmom and wifey!

But That’s Not Everything

This is just a tip of the iceberg to the many things I adore about Fall. I could add in:

  • No more boob sweat.
  • No more flat or frizzed hair from the humidity.
  • Less chance of sunburn because my sunblock won’t sweat off.
  • No more lady bits sweat or odor. Keeping fresh down below can be a real booger!
  • With the lack of flies, this means no more maggots in my trash can from the furkid’s poop.
  • Earlier curfew for children who go to school plus they aren’t running wild around the hood all day long.
  • and so many more things!

But It’s Not All About Me, Is it?

What about you? Are you one that is happy to kick Summer in the ass and bring in the awesome changes of Fall? Or are you like so many of my friends are despise Fall because it means the Winter chill and snow is coming?

Let’s hear from you! What is it that you like or dislike about Fall?


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