Life Coach Magazine

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

During my tenure as a Blogger, I continue to evolve. I seek out new ways to draw attention to my site(s) as well as grow a community of like-minded people.

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice

However, I continue to Fail.

No matter how I try, I end up losing my “Voice”. We all know how important it is as a Blogger to keep our voice, right? If not, let me share my five reasons with you.

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice


Building credibility (the quality of being trusted and believed in)* amongst your peers is essential. If your friends and readers trust you, they will continue to visit your site and support you. Once the trust is lost, it may be hard to regain it.

Be Your True Self

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice - Be True To Yourself

No one hates anything more than an imposter (a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.)*.  If you’re pretending to be someone other than yourself, it’s certainly to show through at some time. By being discovered as a phony, this can cost your credibility.

Build a Loyal Community or Following

We would all love to have a bazillion blog subscribers and followers, right? By being ourselves and sharing our voice, we are building a Community of people who want to hear you! These are individuals who believe in your, trust in you, and value what you have to say.

People Will Talk

Think about the most popular bloggers you know. How did they become so famous? One, they probably write great content. Two, are engaging with their readers. Three, are consistently being their self. If people like you, people will talk about you in positive ways, thus bringing more loyal readers to your site.

Build an Empire

If you continue to follow the above steps, the world can be yours. However, slip up a few times, and you can lose it all only to try and rebuild again.

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice - People Will Talk

This is where I failed

I have changed up my voice so many times over the past five years that I truly lost it along with some of my loyal readers. I have tried several times to regain my voice only to be blinded by the opportunity to make money via my blog.

I sold out!

It feels like hell!

I want it back!

Having a full-time job outside of the home gives me many opportunities for blog content. Other places I can find goodies are:

  • In my own home – Lord knows having two (2) pit bull mixes can be very exciting!
  • My own miseries – As a woman nearing 48 years old, you know I have stories about aging and perimenopause!
  • My hubs – A long time ago I used to include my husband in my articles. We called him Cranky Pants back then. Have you been around long enough to remember that?
  • Life experiences – Does this even need an explanation?
  • My Virtual Business

Time to take back my voice!

Good Things are Coming!

My Girly Parts has been changing into an online magazine designed for mainly Women, although I know Men will still read, and a few continue to comment.

This is fine and dandy because the more, the merrier!

I want to bring more life experiences back to MGP Mag and encourage our Contributors and Guests to do the same.

Are you with me?

Who would love to see more heartfelt life stories? Who wants more girly drama and feminine talk?

I sure do!

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Your turn!

How many times have you lost your blogging voice? I think it can be pretty common as opportunities to monetize become available. However, I feel like I sold out not only to myself but to You my readers. So if you’ve lost your voice at least one time in your blogging tenure, Why did you lose it and How did you get it back?

5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice! #bloggingtipsClick To Tweet

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5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice


Web Designer, Blogger, Blog Manager, Virtual Assistant at Brenda Pace Virtual AssistingI'm a Blogger who loves to write, networking with others, and building a Community of like-minded people. I'm also a Web Designer and Blog Manager helping people to build their Vision. Please visit my other site MGP Magazine.
5 Reasons to Keep Your Voice

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