Health Magazine

5 Reasons to Have a Routine for Your Toddler

Posted on the 20 June 2016 by Health_news

Do you get frustrated having to call you toddler to brush his teeth or get to bed? The key to having a smooth day is to establish a routine.


The fact is that toddlers feel at peace and feel safe and secure with a predictable routine as it gives them the confidence to expect a series of events at the same time, the same way and in the same order every day.
Routines are a must for toddlers for daily activities like bedtime, meal times, prayer and other daily activities.

Here are 5 reasons to set a routine for your little one:

1) Develops healthy habits

When we establish a routine that include acts of washing hands before eating, brushing teeth as soon as we get up and as before we head to bed, tidying up after playing and similar good habits, we induce the child to develop good health and personal hygiene habits.

routine in children

2) Reduce parent-child conflicts

Most arguments in house stem from having to repeat commands to your toddler to do something. When you establish a routine, the toddle will do the act without questions as it becomes a part of predictable routine. You can get to discipline your kids without much resistance from your kids.

3) Develop social skills

Daily routines such as eating dinner together or going to par together makes a predictable pattern for social interactions. The regular and consistent schedule can make parents stress free too, and give them more ‘me’ time.

social gathering

4) Makes kids feel stable and safe

When situations are the same every day toddlers settle into their acts as part of routine and feel safe in following these daily patterns. Having them face situations unknown to them makes them insecure and nervous.

5) Reinforces positive behavior and discipline

Kids will know what is expected of them when they follow a routine that involves discipline. When a routine is followed they behave right on their own without any reminders from the parent.
Do not forget to break the routine once in a while as a treat to them. Make sure the routines are not too rigid that they spoil or curb the spontaneity and creativity of the child.

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