Hair & Beauty Magazine

5 New Workout Options to Try This Year!

By Deepikadivassence
By Kirthi JayakumarWorking out should never be about weight loss.Yep. You heard right. Work out right so you remain healthy, so your joints remain fit and that your body retains its agility and strength. It is a common misconception that fat = unhealthy and thin = healthy. Keep within the appropriate parameters for your body weight and height, you just need to be sure that you’re on the right side of the fence when it comes to the health meter. Keep your workout going, and don’t stop eating!Here are five interesting workout styles that can work for you this year.
Kickboxing: Throw a few punches, kick the air before you and sword-hammer your way into fitness! Kickboxing works like magic when you want to get your adrenaline pumping, and channel your energy into getting your muscles into action. An equally balanced workout, Kickboxing makes a great cardio routine that moves your every last muscle. 5 new workout options to try this year!
High Intensity Interval Training: You’ll be left pouring sweat from your every pore, and still asking for more. That’s the magic of high intensity interval training – you’ll be left steamrolled, no doubt, but it’s a great way to get your muscles in order while burning fat like a pro. 5 new workout options to try this year!Yoga: Yoga will never go out of fashion – whether as Power Yoga or as Hatha and Vinyasa flow yoga. Easy to do, yoga is salve for your body and mind, and the breathing exercises that it combines make your muscles supple and organs stronger. 5 new workout options to try this year!Dance: The ideal workout should be one where you’re having fun. It’s no use if you wind up wanting to murder your instructor or if you are concentrating on the regret you feel at signing up. The one workout that remains a ubiquitous exception to this is dance. Set to something with lots of beats and pulse, Dance can help you keep your mind and body healthy like nothing else. 5 new workout options to try this year!
Strength Training: Most people ignore and neglect the value that strength training adds to one’s fitness regime. It is incredibly important if you want to ensure that you tone your muscles. Remember, fitness isn’t only about fighting the flab, it’s also about getting your muscles strengthened. 5 new workout options to try this year!
What are your workout plans? Share with us in the comments below!
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