Life Coach Magazine

5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today by Sheila Walsh

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today by Sheila Walsh5 Minutes with Jesus by Sheila Walsh
Published by Thomas Nelson Inc on August 18th 2015
Genres: Christian Life, General, Inspirational, Religion
Pages: 192
Format: Paperback

Five Minutes with Jesus provides bursts of inspiration for every reader’s relationship with Jesus. Brief but profound, these daily readings from Sheila Walsh will help busy people draw close to Him and walk with Him throughout the day. It will become clear that, even in the midst of a busy lifestyle, every minute we spend in the powerful presence of Jesus makes a difference in our lives!

Are you always in a hurry? Do you find it hard to find time to devote to connecting with God each day? For so long, I could come up with a zillion reasons why I had no time for reading scripture and connecting with God until I found a way to incorporate it into my everyday schedule.

If you are having a struggle finding time for the Word of God, for devotions, meditation and prayer, I would suggest you check out 5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today by Sheila Walsh. This great book will get you started in the right direction without making too much change right away and it’ll only take five minutes out of your life!

You will find the devotions are quick and easy to read – never more than “5 minutes” promised! As I’ve been reading through 5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today, I’ve found the stories to be funny, heartfelt and interesting and they range from refreshing personal short stories relaying “real life” incidents to Biblical accounts to historical events. The author ties each of the stories to a lesson for the day. She then ends each reading with several scriptures connected to the theme of the reading for that day.

You will find this book filled with refreshing stories from the heart. Each devotion starts out with two or three pages of text (the stories). Next there’s a blue box with a question or a thought displayed for the reader to ponder on.  After the blue box, you’ll see scripture verses along with the Bible translation from which they are derived. There are usually three to five verses given from NLT, NIV and ESV Bible translations and they’re written in italics.

Each reading includes messages that remind you of truths such as:

Resting in the purpose God has for you brings peace.
God loves you for who you are, not what you do.
No matter how big the storm, God is bigger.

I’ve used the book for about two weeks straight, and I’ve really enjoyed the pages I’ve read. I’ve been using these little devotionals first thing in the morning each day to start out my time with God, but you could definitely use this as lunchtime or evening devotional, or if you are trying to squeeze in your “God time” right now, you could use this during your lunch break or even while waiting in a carpool line to pick up your kids. You could even use this as the last thing you read each night before you go to sleep. There are lessons 5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today for new Christians, for seasoned believers who are looking to be refreshed and for women struggling in a difficult season.

To learn a little about Sheila Walsh’s “5 Minutes with Jesus” book series, take a look at this video:

21763 Sheila Walsh is a powerful communicator, Bible teacher, and bestselling author with more than five million books sold. She is the author of the award-winning Gigi, God’s Little Princess series, Peace for Today, Loved Back to Life, The Storm Inside, and Five Minutes with Jesus.

She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, Barry, and son, Christian.

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