One of the biggest questions I get asked from premenopausal women between 30 and 50 years old, as well as women in menopause is: HOW DO I GET RID OF STUBBORN BELLY FAT?
It’s the question that have made many self-proclaimed fitness experts very rich. There are so many exercise programs that can work, but what about women over 35?
These programs are usually ineffective for premenopausal and menopausal women because they usually don’t tell you what the primary problem is.
How Do You Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat?
If you are a woman who is premenopausal or in menopause, then you will burn fat when YOUR FAT BURNING HORMONES BECOME MORE DOMINANT THAN YOUR FAT STORAGE HORMONES.
Hormone imbalance is the primary cause of unwanted belly fat gain. And no amount of exercise or healthy eating will work until you have these hormones under control.
HORMONE BALANCE IS YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY is your number one priority if you are in premenopause or menopause and wish to lose extra belly fat.
Which Hormones?
5 Hormonal Reasons Why You Are Stuggling to Lose Belly Fat, especially if you are a woman in premenopause or menopause:
- Insulin Problems
- High Cortisol (anti-stress hormone that creates belly fat when there is excess)
- Low Testosterone (decreases ability to build muscle, which lowers metabolism)
- High Estrogen (compared to progesterone; it’s really estrogen dominance)
- Hypothyroidism (slows metabolism and digestion; feel more sluggish)
These are hormones whose levels should be checked if you are having problems losing belly fat.
NOTE: If you are a woman between 30 and 50, your hormone levels are very erratic and hormone tests shouldn’t be the only thing you use to get your hormones in balance.
In fact, poor work/life balance is usually the cause of hormone imbalance, and I will cover this in a later post.
If I can help you in any way or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Until next time,
Pamela Brown