Fitness Magazine

4 Ways to Balance Hormones Naturally

By Pamela Brown

how to balance hormones naturally, womens health, wellness and fitness, balancing hormones naturally

Have your doctor informed you that hormone imbalance is causing your weight gain, and want you to take a pill?  Would you feel better if there were natural ways to balance your hormones?  Thank goodness that’s possible.  Below are 4 ways you can effectively get your hormones regulated and in balance, naturally.

  1. Exercise.  Every time you exercise, your body converts the male hormone, androstenedione, into estrogen.

  • optimal amount of exercise is 4-30 minute sessions of exercise per week

        2.  Eat ample amounts of protein.  Protein maintains hormone balance.

  • moderately active ( jogging, walking, swimming,  or other activities that last less than one hour): 1 gram/kilogram bodyweight
  • get a calculator:  If you weight 100 lbs then do this:  100 divided by 2.205= how much you weigh in kilograms.  Next, take how much you weigh in kilograms and multiply by 1 (or how ever many grams of protein you need a day).  Your total is the number of grams of protein you need a day.
  • vigorously active (sports, boot camp, spin, any race above a 5K, etc…): may need a little more
  • consult with a nutritionist for more information.

       3.  Increase fiber intake to 20-25 grams per day, GRADUALLY.

  • fiber has many roles, one of them being to rid the body of excess estrogen.
  • this helps to reduce estrogen dominance, which can cause many menopause and perimenopause symptoms
  • includes a combination of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

      4.  Decrease high-glycemic, carb-rich foods, because they are sometimes loaded with fats that promote estrogen dominance.

  • baked foods (i.e., muffins, cakes, breads that are cooked in an oven)
  • chips, candies, white rice
  • chocolate
  • cereals, instant oatmeal
  • macaroni and cheese
  • melons and pineapple


I suggest that you follow your doctor’s orders, but do attempt to balance your hormones naturally with lifestyle changes.  Really, the effectiveness of either method (medicine or lifestyle improvement) depends on the person.  It is trial and error, and it helps to keep a fitness journal.  Get some tips on keeping a fitness journal.

If I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me!  Or, if you want more fitness, personal growth, and nutrition tips, then sign up for my email newsletter and stay connected.  Until next time, Pamela

how to balance hormones naturally, womens health

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