Family Magazine

4 Q’s

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey all–HAPPY FRIDAY the 13th!  We made it through another week and we have another blizzard coming at us this weekend, that seems to be the trend around here lately!  I am not going to let the snow damper my mood though! My beautiful and super speedy friend Hailey tagged me in this fun four q’s survey and I am excited to participate.  If you haven’t met Hailey, please head over and say hello to her, she is awesome!  So…here we go, you will see my answers below!


Four names that people call me:

1. Mama (this is my favorite name)
2. Sara
3. Sprinkles (Robyn calls me this because of all my freckles)
4. Ra (my closest friends call me this)

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Waitress/bartender (one of the best jobs and one I worked until I met Robyn)
2. Soccer coach (I loved teaching kids soccer at sports camps)
3. Concierge on the American Express Centurion (black card) account (A really fun job where I talked to celebrities all the time, but was paid terribly)
4. Marketing Manager (My current job and one I LOVE)

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:

1. The Hangover
2. Knocked Up
3. Napolean Dynamite
4. P.S. I love You

Four books I’d recommend: This is the hardest question for me since you all know my obsession with books so I am just going to recommend books that I have read recently that were great!

1. His Fair Assassin Trilogy (yes, this is 3 books, but they are worth reading)
2. Delirium (if you like Dystopian books, this one is for you! It’s also part of a trilogy, can you tell I love book series?)
3. Jesus Freaks: Sins of the Father
4. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (this is a more serious (and true) book and really interesting)

Four places I’ve lived:

1. Ludlow, MA
2. Schenectady, NY
3. Sao Paulo, Brazil
4. Boston, MA

Four places I’ve been:

1.  Germany
2. UK (England and Ireland)
3. Spain
4. Brazil

Four places I’d rather be right now:

1. Home with my boys
2. Running outside
3. Somewhere in Europe
4. Anywhere warm

Four things I don’t eat:

1. Red meat
2. Pork
3. Cooked spinach (I can’t stomach the texture/taste when its cooked)
4.  Passion fruit

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Fruit (everything BUT passion fruit)
2. Peanut butter
3. Cheese
4. Crusty bread (you know when its hard on the outside and soft on the inside? Yeah, that kind!)

Four TV shows I’ve watched:

1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. The Big Bang Theory
3.  House
4. Scandal

Four things I am looking forward to this year:

1.  Planning our family vacation–location TBD–do you have any suggestions for a great place for a family with a toddler???
2.  Robyn and my first getaway next month since having Ashton!!  EEK!
3.  All the fun things we will do with Ashton on the weekends
4. Decorating our new house

Four things I’m always saying:

1. I love you sweet boy (I say this to Ashton all the time)
2. Seriously?
3. Have you met me?  (Usually in response to a ridiculous question asked of me, like…do you want to go to Starbucks, are you hungry, do you want to go shopping, etc)
4. I’m on it! (This is usually said at work)

Instead of tagging a bunch of you, why don’t you answer a few of the questions below!!

Have a great weekend!!

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