Fitness Magazine

4 Keys to The Life Makeover of Your Dreams

By Pamela Brown

What Does It Take to Maintain a Fit, Healthy Body?

Success comes through planning, organization, and desire.  The same holds true for any fitness endeavor you seek.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran exerciser, a busy mom, career woman, or new to exercise, the most successful people are the ones who can answer the following:

  1. What do you really, really, really want?
  2. What is important to you, and how does fitness and healthy eating fit into that picture?
  3. Where are you now?  What need  to happen or change to reach your fitness and wellness goals?
  4. What is in the way of getting your dream body?
  5. How are you going to get to your desired vision? 

Create the Life and Body of Your Dreams


Here are the steps that lead to the life makeover of your dreams!

Step 1: What do you really, really, really want?

Why are your fitness and wellness goals important to you?  

Why do you really want to lose weight, increase your energy levels, or feel better about yourself?

 How will you know when you’ve reached your destination?  Here is where personal development begins.  In this phase, Pamela helps clients to do the following:

  • develop a clear visionWhat will life be like when you get your ideal body?  Begin with the end in mind- provides direction to the finish line.
  • identify you values and life purposeto know what you want, you must first understand yourself by defining your belief system and purpose in life so that you can set meaningful goals.  Unclear values=unfulfilled goals.
  • uncovering motivators and desires:  What is the driving force behind your fitness goals?  Weak motivators= exercise program drop-out

Without a clear vision, people spend more time thinking about their dream body instead of taking action and moving toward it.  They lack meaning and purpose; they spend much of their time lost and reacting to life instead of using their personal power to overcome.

Besides defining where you want to end up, this step is essential in preventing the false-hope syndrome: a person’s tendency to set unrealistic goals.  Realism, definition, and clarity are three of your best friends.

Step 2: Where are you now?

Self-Awareness is king.

What’s your starting point?  Why are you  unhealthy/overweight?  What behaviors led to the problem?  What challenges and obstacles get in the way of living a healthy lifestyle?  Here is where we get to the root of everything.  What’s holding you back from achieving success?  Some hidden challenges to weight loss and exercise maintenance include the following:

  • beliefs, goals, and values that are in conflict with each other
  • distractions and behavioral patterns that don’t serve you well
  • competing motivators that block weight loss success
  • internal barriers such as attitude about yourself, body, and how they affect fitness results
  • your relationship with food (eating patterns and behaviors)

Many times success is blocked because because you lack alignment between your beliefs and desires that prevent you from following through on your wellness and fitness goals.


In other words, starting an exercise program because you want to look like your favorite singer may not be important enough to you to make time for exercise, or eat healthier.

Step 3: What need to happen or change to reach your fitness vision and goals?

What personal needs would you like fulfilled to reach your destination?  What skills and experiences do you lack that would help make your vision a reality?

In order to become a regular Exerciser, do you need stimulation?  Need to feel accomplished?  Want to make friends that share similar fitness goals?

Do you need balance in your life?  To feel energetic, sane, or strong?

Do you need to manage your environment (eliminating unhealthy foods from house, ask for support from loved ones, cooperation of those around you, etc…?

Here is where you begin thinking about the skills, abilities, and resources you already have and how they can help you reach your dream weight; and what skills you need to learn to reach your fitness vision.

Step 4: How are you going to get there?

How can you make lifestyle changes?  This step is based upon the principle of planning fallacy:  people consistently underestimate the time, energy, and other resources required to complete a given task.  Personal development planning prevents this very thing from happening.

The system above will help you create the body and the life of your dreams; you will experience a total body transformation!

 What’s your next step?

If you are ready to bust through barriers and finally reach fitness success, apply for a Fitness Breakthrough Strategy Call today!


During this complimentary coaching session, you will be able to work with me to get these questions answered.  You will learn what is holding you back from getting the body you want; where you want to end up at the end of your journey; and create a plan that not only transforms your body, but your life.


What are you waiting for?



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