Fitness Magazine

3 Things You Should Look For in a Lifestyle Change Program

By Pamela Brown

Are you wondering what to look for while shopping for an exercise and lifestyle change program to join? There are so many effective exercise programs available, but the best ones are the programs that contain these 3 things.

1. Mental readiness to exercise training. You may not be ready to participate in structured exercise, but maybe lifestyle fitness activities such as taking frequent walks through the day. When mental readiness is assessed, it is easier to match the lifestyle change strategy to your level of readiness, which helps to maintain exercise motivation.

2. Personal responsibility and empowerment. When you neglect and surrender to others your own health, you will continue to make unhealthy life choices, negative statements about yourself, and remain stuck in your unhealthy behaviors. Programs that teach you how to take responsibility for your attitudes, behaviors, and choices will help you to remain fit and healthy for long after you end the weight loss program.

3. Insufficient one-on-one attention to discuss goals and plans. Group support is great, but you will succeed even more if you are able to get customized goals and plans to make lifestyle changes. You will also have a chance to work with a coach who can help you uncover motivators that make you excited to exercise and maintain your behavior changes, even when you are no longer in a lifestyle change program.

If you are looking an exercise and lifestyle change program that is worth your time, money, and energy, then look for one that has the 3 things listed above. It’s a beautiful thing when you learn to take your health and fitness into your own hands and transform your life forever!

Are you looking for a lifestyle change program to invest into now?

If I can help you in any way, or if you have any questions about my fitness coaching prorgram, please feel free to contact me at coachpamelabrown!

Dedicated to your success,
Pamela Brown

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