You have decided that using GPS to track your trucks will be valuable for your business – now it is time to install GPS tracking devices to start monitoring fleet activity. It may be tempting to let your in-house mechanic set up your devices to try and pinch pennies, but what you may not realize is that self-installation isn’t really free in most cases. If you are going to invest in fleet tracking, it is crucial to properly install devices to get accurate fleet data and start tracking your trucks as soon as possible.
Misconceptions about self-installing GPS tracking devices:
1. It will reduce upfront costs
A misconception about installing GPS tracking devices is that it will save money to have one of your employees do it, but self-installation isn’t free. If you have one of your employees doing your installs, you need to account for the true cost of labor for the time it takes to complete, and the opportunity cost associated with performing this task instead of their job. By factoring in these labor costs, you will likely be spending more to have an employee complete this task opposed to a professional installer.
By doing a self-install, you will also be increasing the risk of paying more down the road. Self-installations will not be warrantied or covered in case of accidental damage, while professional installs would be. You never know what can happen and you want to be covered in the event that an installation is not done correctly or damage occurs.
2. All installs are the same
Another misconception about installing GPS devices is that every installation is the same. Installs are not universal, so it is important to have someone who is familiar with a specific installation type hook up your GPS tracking devices. Installations can vary by vehicle year, make, model, and tracking device type, so it is best to work with your GPS tracking provider to find a local installation partner that fits your needs.
3. It will take less time
The third misconception about self-installs is that it will take less time. Some fleet professionals may think that getting one of their guys to install the devices will save time, but it is actually the opposite. Professional installers can get the job done in half the time or less in most cases. Plus, trouble shooting installation issues from self-installs will only delay the time it takes to get you up and running. By going with a professional, save time and get your fleet back to work faster.
Proper installation of GPS tracking devices is critical to the software working the way it’s supposed to. Make sure you get it done the best and quickest way possible to see the full benefits of fleet tracking technology.
For more information, contact GPS Insight to learn how to successfully implement fleet tracking to your operations today!