Fitness Magazine

3 Barriers to Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery

By Pamela Brown

Was it is that is holding you back from getting the fit body, increased confidence, or self-satisfaction that you desire?


Do you find yourself dropping out of fitness programs because you can’t develop the motivation to stay active?  Are you having trouble motivating yourself to exercise after bariatric surgery?


It’s not that you have a willpower problem; you’re just not ready to commit to exercise- at least for now.


3 Things that Can Stall Weight Loss After Surgery


1.  Self-image/ body-image development:  Creating a healthy body image requires that you learn why you think and feel about yourself the way that you do.  What is special about you?


Are you the “life of the party?”  Are you motivating and encouraging?  Are you focused and intelligent?  When you focus on your inner qualities, you feel significant; you feel satisfied, worthy, and complete.   You also feel better about your body.  Therefore, you are more motivated to maintain an exercise program so that you can be your “best you” each day.


2.  Not dealing with underlying factors that led to weight gain in the first place.


Weight gain is usually independent of exercise and nutrition.  Usually weight gain is due to childhood traumas, lack of personal growth/ identity, self-blame, emotional challenges, lack of spiritual practice, or lack of fun and laughter.


If you don’t deal with these underlying issues, then you will either stay overweight, regain your lost weight within a year, or experience stubborn weight loss.



3.  Not becoming active enough- not properly motivated or inspired to do so.


Exercise can do more than change a number on the scale; it can make you stronger, energetic, confident, calm, balanced, and fulfilled.  What are your motivations to exercise?


Ask yourself, who is the person you want to become and why do you want to be that way.


Then ask yourself how does exercise fit into that picture of yourself.


Summary:  Losing weight after bariatric surgery is essential to getting your life back, maintaining your health, and your overall happiness.  Deal with the 3 barriers above, and you’ll successfully lose weight and keep it off.


What holds you back from reaching your fitness goals?  Feel free to leave an answer in the comments section below.


Pamela Brown


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