The Collector is a famous classic novel written in 1963 by the great British author John Fowles. It was immediately greeted with much acclaim, and the success of the book enabled Fowles to quit his day job and work full-time as an author.
I found versions of this book that had been translated into 25 different languages. I have grouped the titles according to language family, so many adjacent books are written in languages from the same family. See how many you can get!
- Коллекционер
- Колекціонер
- Колекционер
- Колекционерът
- Kolekcjoner
- Kolekcionar
- Zbiratelj
- Sběratel
- El coleccionista
- Colecţionarul, Colectionarul
- O Colecionador
- Il collezionista
- L’obsédé
- De verzamelaar
- Samleren, Offer for en samler
- Der Sammler
- Kolekcionierius
- Kolekcionārs
- Ο συλλέκτης
- Neitoperho
- Liblikapüüdja
- A Lepkegyűjtő
- Koleksiyoncu
- جامع الفراشات
- კოლექციონერი