Politics Magazine

21 Ways That Gender Feminists Are Destroying the West

Posted on the 15 March 2015 by Calvinthedog

While the movement for women’s equality called Women’s Liberation (equity feminism) was one of the great human emancipation movements and should be supported by all decent men, gender feminism is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Here are 21 ways that gender feminists are currently ruining the West:

  1. Made women run amok and become completely uncontrolled.
  2. Created mass mental illness among women. Fully 8% of women now have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is just about a psychological death sentence. I think feminism is causing all this mass mental illness among women.
  3. Vastly increased the violence and assaultiveness of women as women now assault men vastly more than they used to.
  4. Women act crazy, flip out, and are much more unstable and emotional than they were pre-feminism. Feminism has made women think it is cool to be a moody nutcase.
  5. Feminism created mass female hypergamy. The much maligned PUA and Game Movements who have created philosophies to try to survive, understand and make the most of this new crazy sexual world.
  6. Female strangers attack innocent men now for little or no reason, try to fight innocent men, pick on and belittle innocent men and harass innocent men on the streets, all for little to no reason.
  7. Men can no longer make friends with kids or even speak to kids. This is due to Pedophile Mass Hysteria, an idiotic Moral Panic that was created 100% by feminism. Single males are now regarded as “pedophiles” and treated with suspicion by neighbors. There has been an epidemic of false reports by children accusing men of molesting them. Kids lie like rugs when it comes to these accusations. Much of this lying has been encouraged by their mothers to get back at men in their lives. This whole scenario was created by feminism.
  8. Male sexuality is now pathologized. Men are “creeps” if they experience any sexual feelings at all around feelings because these feelings will cause men to look at women, flirt with them and possibly make passes at them. Feminism hates men looking at, flirting or asking out women as all of this is considered “sexual harassment.” Hence we have millions of males who are running scared of being called creeps and whatnot.
  9. Apparently it is now illegal for men to look at, flirt with, make passes at or ask out females in their workplace. Well not illegal, but it is grounds for firing under the insane “sexual harassment” rulings which create a crazy environment that makes no sense. Say you are at work and you do not wish to be accused of sexual harassment. How should you proceed to look at, flirt with and ask out women in the workplace assuming you might want to do this? There is no way to proceed. There is no way to know when you are sexually harassing a women or when you are not harassing them. The whole concept in civil law is ridiculously vague and in law, vague laws are illegal and vague concepts require no remedy.
  10. Society has now pathologized all of male sexuality. This was done by feminism because from Day One, feminism has hated male sexuality. That is the reason d’etre of feminism. There is nothing that feminism hates more than normative male sexuality. Bottom line is that if feminists had their way, they would simply make most expressions of normative male sexuality illegal.
  11. Sweden now has the most insane rape laws on Earth with definitions of rape vastly broader than in any other country. Hence, Sweden has the 3rd highest rape rate on Earth, but most of these are fake rapes that are not even rapes and would not be considered rape in any other land.
  12. Society or at least some US university systems and the nation of the UK, have decided that males accused of rape are guilty until proven innocent. This dangerous lunacy was created by feminists who apparently wish to shred the Constitution.
  13. Gangs of high school girls now chase, harass, bait, insult and even assault and beat up boys. This is a preposterous trend and this was unheard of in my high school days in 1971-1975.
  14. Women are allowed to assault men as many times as they wish but we cannot strike one single blow in self defense. I suppose we can’t even defend ourselves if they are trying to kill us. Apparently we have to run away and hope the bitch doesn’t outrun us. The feminists created the idiotic, chaotic and insane notion of “hit a woman, go to jail,” and “males have no right to self-defense against women.” Obviously this is utterly insane but this the mad world that women want.
  15. Sex between teenage girls and adult men, a normal human phenomenon present since the beginning of mankind that has never harmed one teenage girl ever, has been conflated with “pedophilia” and “child molestation.” Teenage girls are infantalized and denied agency. Whatever it is, adult male-teenage girl sex is surely not pedophilia or child molesting. In terms of males 18-23 having sex with 14-17 year old girls, the police generally regarded it as none of their business and left everyone alone. However, over age 23 you could into trouble, which was often a warning to stay away from her or else. Back in the sane days of Male Rule it was called Statutory Rape, which is the best term for it. It was regarded as a joke, the girls were seen as schemers and not victims, and the men were chuckled about. Nevertheless, if the man was middle aged and there was more than one girl, he might see a few years in prison. This was probably a much saner way of dealing with this matter.
  16. If adult men have even mere thoughts, feelings and desires to have sex with teenage girls (which of course is normal for any man at any age) feminism has now decided that this is sick, evil, mentally disordered, perverted, “pedophilic,” and evidence that one is a “child molester.” This goes against modern psychological science which proves that this thinking is normal in any man of any age and is not evidence of pathology or immorality. Hence we see that feminists, like Republicans, are actually waging war on science itself.
  17. A wave of idiotic feminist therapists has broken across our blighted land. They believe many a silly thing, but the worst is that many of them have specialized in “treating child sexual abuse,” which in reality means “teenage girls who have sex with men.” Once a case like this is uncovered, the poor girls are rushed off to needless therapy to heal the “assault” which was probably consensual or even initiated by the girl. The girl is told she has been “molested” and is a victim of “child sexual assault” even though she isn’t even a child and in almost all cases, there was no assault. To give you an example of how crazy this is, feminists have decided that a teenage girl who seduces an adult man has consensual and often very willing sex with him has been assaulted by the man that she herself seduced. So by seducing the man she is apparently raping herself via the man somehow. None of this makes any sense. The girls are told that they have been damaged and harmed, that the effects of the “abuse” (there almost always was no “abuse”) may last a lifetime and that this was a terrible thing that was done to them, one of the most horrible things that could happen to a human being. The teenage girl is confused as she thought she was just seducing a sexy older man for some great sex and now she is told that she was actually raping herself and that the horrible scars may last a lifetime. Predictably, the girls are traumatized by all of this nonsense and begin to believe that they have been harmed somehow. Depression, anxiety and other psychological problems ensue that would never have happened in the first place. These psychiatric symptoms were actually caused by the feminist therapists and the other feminist women hovering around the poor girl like lobotomized vultures. Congratulations feminists!
  18. All child sex has now been proscribed and apparently made illegal, including child sex play that is extremely common and almost always harmless. Hundreds of children under age 12 have been charged with “child molestation.” It is very difficult to conceive of how any child age 12 and under could possibly molest any child, but nevertheless, these little kids have now been labeled “predators.” Many will have to go on the Sex Offender Registry for life. Many high school students, almost always males because in child sex the male is always the criminal and the female is always the victim as per feminist “logic” have been arrested and charged with “child molestation” for having consensual sex with the females in their age group. Not one of these boys is a “child molester” and it isn’t even possible to “molest” a teenage girl anyway as you can only molest a child age 12-under. Therefore, while one can have sex with a teenage girl, it is not possible to “molest” one. A number of teenagers, including many girls, have been arrested on charges of “manufacturing child pornography” and “disturbing child pornography.” What they actually did was take nude photos of themselves with cellphones and then send them to their boyfriends or girlfriends. Apparently the feminists say that these selfies are “child porn” and these adolescents are “child pornographers.” All of the madness under the rubric of Pedophile Mass Hysteria outlined above was caused almost wholly by the feminists. It was the feminists who launched the Pedophile Mass Hysteria moral panic in the first place when they set it off in 1970’s. So all those kids in jail or on the Sex Offender list can thank a feminist for their ruined lives.
  19. Seduction is now rape. Traditionally, seduction proceeded often through a variety of tricks, scams and ruses all designed to break down a woman’s defenses and get her into bed. The idiotic self impressed PUA crowd think they have invented some new social science in Game, but the truth is that “Game” has been around forever. My friends and I were practicing “1970’s Game” on the beaches and ski slopes in the 1970’s. We traded secrets and told each other what to and what not to do. The whole business wasn’t very honest, but seducers are never honest men. All players have a “system.” Surely Casanova himself had one. And it goes back further than that. There is a classic work from Ancient Rome written in Latin called “On Love.” If you read it, you will see that is simply Game in Rome in the year 200. There is nothing new here. Nevertheless, seduction has an old history and its own accepted mores, rules and values. The proper seducer simply more or less attacks the women, gently or roughly and sees how far he can get with her. Before he assaults her, he tries to read her mind and read the vibes to see if she will be receptive or not. If he is a good mind-reader, 90%+ of the time, the woman will react very willingly to the initial advances. If she says no, the man stops. Now psychological coercion and also sorts of deviousness and con artistry comes into place where the seducer tries to brainwash or hypnotize the women into being more physically forthcoming. Alternatively, the man may simply give up and go sit on the couch. Let’s get real here: seduction is a scam. It always has been and perhaps it always will be. I learned very early that the earnest straightforward approach was the road to failure. One of the first things I learned was, “Never ask a woman if she wants to have sex or if she wants to do anything sexual. Don’t give her a chance to think about it. Once she starts thinking about it, she might decide that she doesn’t want to do it.” Keeping that in mind, feminists have come up with a brilliant new scheme to drive a stake through the heart of the seduction process. According to feminists, the male must ask permission for each sexual escalation. The women then says either yes or no. If she affirms, he may escalate, but if she says no, he must drop everything and go sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a movie. One “no” and the sexual behavior is over. Of course keeping in mind the brilliant evidence I was given as a young man, this asking for permission idiocy seems designed to drive a stake through the very heart of the heart of the seduction process which is to not give the woman a chance to think about what she is doing but to simply get her revved up so she is listening to her body and not her head. This is now the system in place at all California universities. This Alice in Wonderland system is also in place at other US universities. Anyway, if she says no and you proceed, you are now a rapist. Thanks a lot feminists!
  20. It is now possible to rape a woman who did not even object to her seduction. Traditionally, same male laws stated that women had to voice their objections to sexual activity. If the man proceeded anyway despite her forceful objections and physically forced himself on her, this could be seen as rape. Feminists have now thrown all of this out. You can now be a rapist even if the woman didn’t utter one peep of objection. This is because a woman’s silence to sexual escalations could mean affirmation or objection or everything or nothing. Who knows? If a woman is silent during the seduction process, men must become mind-readers and decide if this woman who is not saying no is nonetheless not consenting to sex. If a woman is neither saying “yes” or “no” then she could be assenting and you are in the clear or she could be objecting in which case you are now raping her. Yes you can rape a woman even if she never offered one peep of objection if you did not practice proper telepathy to decide if her silence meant yes or no. So now silence no longer indicates assent, as it would in any sane society. Instead we have to be mind-readers and seduction is turned into Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. This idiocy is now the law in the UK and on California college campuses. Feminists are 100% responsible for this abomination. Thanks feminists!
  21. The time-honored tradition dating back to English Common Law that states that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty has now been trashed by feminists. Accused rapists are now the equivalent of unlawful combatants in Guantanamo. All accused rapists are guilty until proven innocent in the UK and on California campuses. It is up to the man to prove the Kafkaesque assertion that he did not rape her. How a man is supposed to prove he did not rape a woman he probably had a date with and ended up in bed with is unknown. So we see that feminists resemble Republicans not only in their contempt for science but also in their desire to shred the very Constitution itself.

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