Fashion Magazine

2016 in Review

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

2016 in Review

So much has happened over the course of this past year…here is a little recap…

 I came upon my 2 year health + fitness coaching journey this January and I have since been able to help over 300 challengers to reach their goals and over 30 coaches to build a business of their own. I am continuing to help those who want to make changes in this brand new year.

2016 in Review

My sweet little Luca was officially Baptized into the Catholic Church with a beautiful Christening celebration.

2016 in Review

I earned my first Beachbody Coach Success Club Trip and was able to take my whole family on a Caribbean Cruise on the Oasis of the Seas!!! Holy amazing!!!

2016 in Review

2016 in Review

I had some fun collaborations with Younique presenter Suzy Engler & UncommonGoods. I now love a great lip stain and one of my readers is rockin’ an Elwood mug.

2016 in Review

2016 in Review

We traveled to New Jersey, Ithaca, and Baltimore / (x2)  to celebrate some incredibly beautiful weddings of close friends.

2016 in Review

2016 in Review

We spent a week at the lake with close friends in the Poconos.

2016 in Review

I returned to Nashville for my 2nd Beachbody Coach’s Summit and got to hang with my amazing team!

2016 in Review

Nico turned 3 and Luca turned 1, and we celebrated with a Lego themed Birthday Party

2016 in Review

We tackled potty training over the summer and got one kid out of diapers lol. This book was super helpful.

2016 in Review

We spent two weeks at the beach with family from the Outer Banks, NC to Cape May, NJ

2016 in Review

Hubby finally started back up on his own health and fitness journey…and he’s got the abs to prove it!

2016 in Review

Got in a ton of good reads this year including You Are a Badass, Girl on the Train, Me Before You, No Excuses, The 15 Laws of Invaluable Growth, The 5 Love Languages, and more.

2016 in Review

We hiked to the top of Bear Mountain with great friends and Nico almost did the entire thing on his own including the hand and foot scaling!!! I was super impressed.

2016 in Review

I completed several new at-home workout programs and challenged myself from P90X3, 21 Day Fix Extreme, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Country Heat, Hammer + Chisel, 3 Week Yoga Retreat, and Core de Force. Feeling happier + healthier than ever before!

2016 in Review

I traveled to Sundance, Utah for my first ever Coach’s Diamond Retreat which was an experience of a lifetime. What an amazingly beautiful place to reflect, learn, and be inspired by so many other leaders.

2016 in Review

Made some amazing fall soups that were so great, they will definitely be made again this winter.

2016 in Review

Little sis and I pulled off the surprise of the year celebrating our amazing Mom + Dad’s 60th Birthday. Aren’t these two adorable?!?!

2016 in Review

Got in another memorable family Christmas Eve photo by my cousin and fav photographer Misa Me.

2016 in Review

Rounded out the year with a fabulous holiday season with my bests in our Christmas jammies.

2016 in Review

What an incredible year, and we cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store!!!

2016 in Review

What was your favorite memory from 2016??? What are you most looking forward to in 2017??? Please share below!!!

Wishing you all a happy + healthy New Year! Happy Monday!!



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