Facebook assigns unique identification number to each and every status, photo or video you've uploaded ever. This helps to identify each individual uploaded content easily. If you're in a habit of using Facebook apps too much then also you'll need these codes. There are some auto liker present on the Internet which would provide hundreds of likes in exchange of coins. Simply buy the coins and get likes on your FB page, photo, status, video. But to make the auto liker work you'll need id codes of specific page or photo. Once you've filled all the required details with id codes, you would start receiving likes and shares. It's one of the best Facebook tips & tricks.
We've found two methods to find id codes easily. But remember your id codes would work on third party websites only when your posts are public. Check out both the methods below and implement them step by step.
How To Get Facebook Video/Photo/Status ID Codes
Method 1: -
- Navigate to your Facebook Timeline.
- Now select your desired post (Photo/Video/Status).
- Here at first I am going to select an status. Right click on date and time (in Grey color) directly below your name and open it in new tab.
- Now just have a look at the URL in the address bar. You would see your post URL similar to the below one.
- Copy the Red marked numbers. This is your Facebook status ID.
- Now let's select an photo. Do the same right click on date and time and open it in a new tab.
- Have a look at the address bar URL. It's similar to the URL mentioned below.
- Search for fbid in the URL and copy the number mark red next to it.
- Similarly for videos you would come across this type of URL.
Method 2: -
- Move to your FB Timeline.
- Choose your desired post (Photo/Video/Status).
- Right click and open it in the new tab. Now scroll down till the end.
- Here you can notice how many people has liked your status, photo or video by the words "Rahul Gupta and 18 others like this".
- Simply right click on "1 people like this", "18 others" and open in new tab.
- Navigate to the address bar and have a look at the URL. It would look similar to the below one.
So this was all about how to find
- Copy the numbers in red color. That's it, it's your photo id code.