Athletics Magazine

12 Things That Made This Week Different

By Brisdon @shutuprun

This has been an exciting week – lots of “firsts.” Let me share with you:

1. I learned that women have innies and outies and I’m not talking navels.

2. I ordered and wore my first Dolphin Uglies bathing suit (apparently Heidi likes this obnoxious floral pattern):


3. I realized that everyone on the roads, in the schools, at the pool, etc. is in a better mood because it is Friday.

4. I learned that picking up one month’s worth of dog poop in the backyard is a very effective consequence for a 12 year old

5. I received my gear from X2 Performance. Go team Florida! I cannot believe IMFL is only about 2 months away and I’m so excited to be part of this team. (I’ve also got a tri tank for actual race day):


6. I tried a race helmet that Sharpie loaned me – I think I’ll go trick or treating now:


7. I ran in the deep end of the pool because my hamstring hurt and I remembered why I hate running in the pool (I do miss my Pussy Posse friends).

8. I had a cold sore the size of Montana invade my lip (it is now healing):


9. I made a small purchase (the green seat is a Cobb tester to see if I and my tender parts like it):


10. I finished the first season of Orange Is The New Black and I do not think I can possibly wait until the next season comes out.  Season #2 is currently filming, so not sure when it will be out. I think all of the characters are so well developed, I can’t decide who my favorite is (probably Doggett, the Bible spewing insane girl.  I also like Crazy Eyes and that pervert Mendez).

12 Things That Made This Week Different

11. I realized that you can’t please everyone, so you just have to make  sure you are true to yourself and to those closest to you (no this is not the first time I leaned this, but it became clear again this week).

12. I learned that I had pictures from our summer trip to San Francisco on my camera that I forgot about:


This was when our cable car broke down:


I’m looking forward to a long bike ride tomorrow (70 miles or so) followed by a 4,000 yard swim (my longest to date!!). I am going to ride the Harvest Moon 70.3 course (plus some) since I have that race next week. You can still sign up, but it’s 95% full, so hurry.

4:27 p.m. Too early for a Friday cocktail? I think not.

Tell me one thing – just ONE stinking thing – about your week that stood out. I’m waiting.


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