101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven by David BordonTom Winters
Published by FaithWords on October 4th 2016
Genres: Inspirational, Religion
Pages: 224
Format: Hardcover
Life on earth is an adventure–so don’t miss it! This book will inspire you with 101 new ways to savor each moment God has given you. Are you living every day to the fullest? It can be hard to find fresh ways to explore the world, but now you have 101 reasons to look up from your phone and get busy living. With a range of creative suggestions including plain-and-simple fun ways to spend a day and inspirational ideas designed to help you get to know yourself–and God–better, you’ll never have to be bored again. So get off the couch, expand your horizons, and begin to appreciate God’s creation in ways you never imagined.
“Every moment of this strange and lovely life from dawn to dusk is a miracle. Somewhere, always, a rose is opening its pedals to the dawn. Somewhere, always, a flower is fading in the dusk.” ~Beverly Nichols
Instead of an actual book review, I’d love to just type the 101 things listed in this bucket-list type book of things we should do before going to heaven. They are awesome ideas, some of which I have already conquered, and some of which I actually do have on my bucket-list. Now that I’ve done a sneak peak of the whole list before reading the whole book, I see that I need to do a little tweaking to my own list to include some of these awesome ideas!
I’m going to grab three of the ones I found to be quite interesting to share with you here. You can pick up a copy of the book yourself to tackle the remaining 98 things on the list!
** Become an Undercover Encourager. Do something secret, do something only God and you will ever know about. First ask God to help lead you to that one person you should pour encouragement over. Once you’ve been led to that particular person, begin praying for them and for His direction on how you should be led to take action. God’s Spirit and your creativity should begin pouring out this good work in the form of flowers, greeting cards, scripture or poems every week or so. Most importantly, resist the urge to tell someone. No bragging allowed. Continue pouring out this encouragement and you may even hear second hand about your good work. If you don’t hear about here on earth, you’ll certainly hear about it in heaven.
** Risk Looking Stupid. Noah built a boat in his front yard before anyone knew what a flood was! With some rocks and a slingshot, David volunteered to fight the giant Goliath! If you want to become the person that God designed you to be, you need to take the risk of looking stupid sometimes. Those in the Bible that did this accomplished some amazing things. It takes courage, humility and faith to go against the grain sometimes. You’ll risk the criticism of others but don’t let that stop you. Talk to the nonbeliever about your relationship with God, or forgive the wrong that seems unforgiveable – risk doing what God wants you to do even when the task surpasses your abilities.
** Get Comfortable In Your Own Skin. When you get new shoes, the only way to make them feel comfortable is to break them in. The same goes for your body. God intertwined both beauty and wonder into your body, creating it to reflect His glorious image. Once you get to heaven, you’ll get a new body – one that doesn’t break down or wear out, but in the meantime, you aren’t there yet, so the more comfortable you are in your body here on earth, the better you’ll be able to use it and enjoy it. Get down on the floor and play with a child or use your muscles to help a neighbor move into their house, get off the couch some other way. Ask God to help you put your inhibitions aside and stop comparing yourself to others. Get up and get moving.
In case the 101 items listed in this book don’t fulfill your life before you go to heaven, the author was kind enough to add some blank sheets to write down a few things you want to do before you go to heaven too! This book makes for a great read, a gentle reminder of the things we need to incorporate into our lives regularly. Because it’s a nice, compact hardbound book, it would make for a great gift too!
I received a complimentary copy of 101 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven by David Borden and Tom Winters from Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Groups in exchange for my honest review.
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