St. John's Wort oil is a standout for its bright red color. Named for St. John the Baptist, most people know St. John's Wort as an herb to counteract depression. However, like most herbs, it can heal multiple ailments. For many years it was thought hypericin was the only active compound, but further study revealed it also contains hyperforin as well as several flavonoids and tannins that have medicinal properties.

St. John's Wort Oil Uses

1. Nerve-related pain such as that associated with sciatica, arthritis, and fibromyalgia are relieved by using this oil topically.
2. Minor wounds can be treated with this oil due to its antibacterial properties.
3. Insomnia - Rub the oil across the forehead for a good night's rest.
4. Bruises - Anti-inflammatory properties make this a good remedy for aches, strains, and bruises.
5. Burns, including sunburn. This oil can work wonders on burns. This is one of the most amazing testimonies about this oil I've found - Complementary Medicine Helps Serious Burns Heal Quickly.

7. Herpes - The oil has anti-viral properties and can be applied to active lesions.
8. Varicose veins - The oil seems to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
9. Bee Stings - A common remedy is to make a paste of the oil and bentonite clay then apply it directly to the bee sting.
10. Hemorrhoids - Its anti-inflammatory properties relieve the burning and stinging associated with hemorrhoids.
St. John's Wort Research
While research continues, we do know that this herb has been used for healing for centuries. There is still much to learn about how it works, but you can easily recognize St. John's Wort oil by its striking red color. Use common sense and check with your physician first, especially if you are taking medication or are pregnant. Nerdy references listed below.