Howdy friends! Just dropping in to let you guys know I am still here and alive…I am really trying to find a way to get my blogging back on track but I have very little free time these days. I figured I would give you a little glimpse into some of the things going on in my life since I haven’t updated you all in a while. So, here are 10 things going on in my life right now.

1. We just got back from the Great Wolf Lodge, if you have kids (small or bigger)–GO! It’s a bit pricey, but we had a total blast and will definitely be back.

2. We carved our pumpkins last week and Ashton did a great job with his “robot” pumpkin. This year he is really into Halloween and I CANNOT wait to take him trick or treating this year!!

3. At work, the FDA accepted our supplemental drug application and is reviewing it to potentially expand the use of our drug into a larger population where there is currently an unmet need. I am leading this launch, which is why I usually have about 10 minutes free a day lately. It’s insanely busy but exciting and I am gaining incredible experience.
4. I have been running 4 times a week and it’s going pretty well, I have also started to incorporate Barre workouts into my schedule 1-2x a week and I kinda love it!
5. The painters are scheduled to start paining our house (the whole inside–eek!) next week!! We had booked them over 12 weeks ago and it’s finally our turn, I CANNOT wait!
6. I undertook my biggest house project to date….I stripped and refinished our bathroom vanity and you know what, it came out pretty freaking awesome and I totally surprised myself! Before and after pictures to come after the room is painted!
7. A few weeks ago I had to make a hard decision to walk away from someone very close to me, someone I called my best friend for over a decade. It sucks when decisions like this have to be made, but I know I made the right call.
8. We have been spending a lot of time outside lately, taking advantage of the last of the good weather. This Fall has been simply spectacular…there is truly nothing like Fall in New England, the colorful leaves, pumpkin and apple picking, cooler temps for hiking/geocaching, it feeds my soul.

9. I got in a car accident yesterday (I am fine!) I was rear ended on the highway…my poor back-end didn’t fare so well!

10. I am no fashionista, but I love clothes and usually will get a few “I like your outfits” a week but when I bought this Haley and the Hound dress, I never knew it was going to get the response I did. I had well over a dozen compliments and people emailing me asking me where I got my dress. It’s funny but I have been watching this dress for a longtime and finally decided to pull the trigger, I am glad I did! Awkward bathroom selfie? You betcha! I this I should have worn different shoes with it now that I see the picture, but that is what you get when you pack your clothes late at night for the next day

Well, that’s all folks, 10 things going on in my life! I hope you are all doing well!
Question of the day
What’s going on in your life right now that is making you happy?