You know how it goes. Life is moving along swimmingly. Then someone says something that really irks, annoys, upsets or angers you. One of my favorite examples of this is when I have finally showered, blown my hair dry and put on make up for the first time in a week and someone tells me I look tired. Basically that is their way of saying I look like shit.
On that note, let’s review some comments that could really piss off a runner such as yourself.
1. When a race volunteer says, “Yes, you should be at mile 20 of the marathon, but you took a wrong turn. That will add about 3 miles to your overall distance.”
2. When you are in an extremely desperate situation and the maintenance person at the only restroom on your run says, “Sorry, this one is closed for cleaning.”
3. When the marketing director of your favorite shoe brand says, “Sorry, that shoe that you love and have worn for 10 years? Yes, the one that has kept you injury free? It has been discontinued.”
4. When an acquaintance says, “I am so impressed that you are doing a marathon! I never knew you were a jogger!”
5. When your pedicurist or podiatrist says, “Looks like you are going to lose another toenail.”
6. When your dad, mom, brother, friend, boss says, “Did you win you race? No? Why are you so slow?”
7. When some spectator at mile 15 of the marathon says, “You’re almost there!”
8. When your Aunt Ethel says, “So, you run? I thought runners were supposed to be skinny.”
9. When your best friend who is on the same cycle as you says, “Sorry dude. Your period is going to arrive on race day.”
10. When the person running behind you says, “Uh oh. Looks like you trusted a fart.”
Any other remarks you’d like to add?
PS: If you are really bored, check out my latest article on RunHaven: “6 Outrageously Embarrassing Running Confessions”