Athletics Magazine

10 Reasons Why Vacations Are Hard

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Today I am going to Mexico. Don’t freak out and go through withdrawals if I am MIA for a few days. I’d hate to be responsible for your stress.

10 Reasons Why Vacations Are Hard

Going on vacation can be rough and is often full of First World Problems for me such as:

  1. Should I take my margarita with or without salt? I like salt, but it gets overwhelming sometimes. But then again, I need to replace my sodium! Ahhh…
  2. What if I have more clothes than hangars in the hotel room closet?
  3. Oftentimes, it is so warm on the beach that the ice in my drink melts and I have to wait 10 minutes before the drink person comes around again.
  4. I hate it when I order room service and then when the guy comes I have to put pants on.
  5. I am very pale from the Colorado winter, which means I will have to re-apply sunscreen diligently ever 2-3 hours.
  6. I need to work out everyday, but I only have 12 hours of free time after I sleep for 12 hours.
  7. I am afraid I will get to the pool, sunscreen myself, lay down with a drink and then have to poop.
  8. All of that fresh guacamole and salsa gives me bad breath.
  9. Sometimes the lime on the rim of my Corona is too large and I have trouble pushing it into the bottle.
  10. Too bad I’m not flying first class because then I could complain that there is too much leg room and it is hard to reach the touch screen on the TV.

10 Reasons Why Vacations Are Hard

Okay, don’t get your panties all in a wad. I’m joking. I’m really not that spoiled (although the room service problem is true). I just thoroughly enjoy having a few days when my problems are not really problems at all. Isn’t that what vacation is about?

Now if I get a nasty case of Montezuma’s Revenge and crap myself on the plane ride coming home because the seat belt sign is on, that truly will be a problem (and I will be sure to document each moment for you because that is what I do).

Got any spring break plans?

What’s your FWP for the week?


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