1. She waves to every person that passes her when we go out walking. Literally. Old Southern habits die hard!
2. She's a cookie monster. Forget adding variety to your life, if she had to eat one thing for the rest of her life, it would be the cookies.

3. She walks 2 or more miles with me every night. Rain or shine. We gossip, laugh, have serious
conversations, and talk about anything and everything.
4. She reads me stories. I've been sick lately, so she's stayed up late reading me books by Laura
Ingalls Wilder. She reads until she doesn't have a voice anymore. Who needs a Kindle or

5. She had a folder on our computer called 'Karen' (that's her name!) that has pictures of Biggest
Loser contestants, Barack Obama, and Taylor Swift in it. There are just so many unanswered
questions in my head right now. This is why my Mom is the coolest.

7. She comes to every single sporting event that my brother and I have. How many parents do that? She's seen hundreds of basketball and baseball games. She even roughed out cross country meets!
8. My Mom has the funniest/weirdest quotes. I made her her own Twitter Quote page to document her shining moments. Here's a little preview of what she says. No, I don't make these up. This is all her.

9. She uses modern phrases such as 'YOLO' 'Swag' and 'Oh Snap!'. Usually she's joking. Except when she says 'Oh Snap!' I don't think that one is a joke anymore.
10. She loves using emojis. She swore up and down that an iPhone was never for her, but now she's addicted to texting and emojis. She also snapchats. A lot.
I could go on for hours listing things I love about my Mom, but it was so much fun picking 10 reasons that I never really acknowledge! I'm off to go pamper her on this wonderful Sunday morning! There's is only one word to describe how I am feeling today: