We know that marathoners come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Certainly, there is no one profile that would describe each and every one of us. But, there are certain traits that most of us share. Maybe you possess one or two?
1. Hard Headedness: Runners can be a stubborn bunch. Let’s face it, you have to be hard headed to plow through the last miles of a race when you want nothing more than to curl up in a ball along the course with a Coors Light (Fat Tire?) and a pacifier. Not even to mention the grueling nature of marathon training. Without extreme determination, how will you ever leave your toasty bed on a 10 degree morning or trade in that Friday night six pack for boring hydration like water and Gatorade?
2. Resilience: Have you had a recent run or race that made you call into question everything about yourself as a runner? Did you feel too slow, too injured, too out of breath, too out of shape, too irritated in general? One thing I have definitely learned about running is that it is kind of like the weather in Colorado – if you don’t like it, wait a few minutes. (most annoying saying around these parts – so sick of it). Or, just wait until your next run. Bad becomes good again if you give it long enough. Runners know how to bounce back from crappy situations.
3. Humility: There are so many chances to be humbled while you run. Falling, crapping, DNF’ing, crawling, crying, smelling – just to name a few. If you’ve been running long enough, there probably has been some instance that chewed you up and spit you out.
4. Patience: Going longer, getting faster, perfecting technique (TWSS)– these all take a long ass time. Yes, there are some people who make it look very easy (yes, I am jealous), but the majority of us have to work very hard to see any improvement. Not even to mention how much patience it takes to be injured and to not be able to run. {If you are currently one of the fallen, read The Stages of Injury Grief}.
5. A Sense of Humor: This one goes hand in hand with humility. If you can’t laugh at yourself, it’s going to be a long life of pounding the pavement. Trip on a root and smash your chin in front of everyone? (I did that) - You are stinking hilarious!!
6. Flexibility: With running, like with life, you can try to control all aspects, but then there is a hurricane on race day (damn you Sandy!) or you have a baby in the middle of your race (I made that up, but I’m sure it’s happened) or the Mexican dinner from the night before wants to make an appearance. As runners, we always have to improvise – to make the most of surprising and sometimes unpleasant circumstances.
7. Masochistic Tendencies (in the best way possible and not in the way you might be thinking): Yes, you have to embrace suffering just a bit if you are going to run a marathon. In the military there is a saying, “Embrace the Suck.’ I think of this a lot during races because it is that moment when everything hurts, you hate running and you still have miles to go. Quitting is not an option, and the only thing to do is to accept the pain and the hurt, to acknowledge the suffering and to press on. This does not mean we runners love to suffer, but it does mean we are willing to do it to gain that sense of accomplishment that we know awaits.
Wow, that looks really hard. I think I’ll try to run up it.
8. Obsessive (ever so slightly): Let’s face it - to do what it takes to get through marathon training, you’ve got to be kind of obsessed with running. If you just sort of like it, or could take it or leave it, it’s going to be hard to put in your 50+ mile weeks. You got to be all in dude!
9. Curiosity: You run your first 5K and think, hmmm…I wonder what it would be like to run a 10K? Pretty soon you are running marathons, wondering what it would be like to run 50 miles. Bottom line is – there is a sense of wonder about your capabilities and how far you can push yourself. This ultimately is what gets you surfing the Net for your next race.
10. A Desire to Better Oneself: I think most runners would agree that be it for physical, mental or spiritual reasons (or all of the above), we run to be better people. We like the confidence and sense of accomplishment it gives us. It’s our space to get inside our heads, to work things out. It’s our time to connect with other people in the mutual appreciation of putting one foot in front of the other. It’s an outlet for a better life, if you ask me.
Can you identify with these? Have any to add?
What’s one trait about your running self you don’t like? I compare myself to others, then get down on myself.