Outdoors Magazine

10 Good Reasons to Support the Friends of the Public Garden

Posted on the 16 April 2013 by Fopg @fopg

1. Membership begins at just $25.  Every dollar makes a difference.

2. It’s cheaper to maintain the grounds and sculptures than it is to repair and restore. Your support today ensures that beauty of these parks for generations to come.

3.  Fun and Games: Enjoy daily entertainment at the Brewer Fountain during your lunch break in the summers.

brewer fountain entertainment

4. It’s your back yard! Whether you live in the city or outside of it, the Boston Common, Public Garden and Commonwealth Avenue mall are places where you are likely to spend some time. Supporting Friends will help make sure these spaces stay clean and beautiful so you can enjoy them whenever the mood strikes.

5. Preserve Boston’s trees! The Friends work hard to make sure Bostons’ trees are healthy and thriving, by identifying and preventing the spread of Dutch Elm Disease, regular pruning and removal of pests.

6. Make way for Ducklings and other sculptures like it. Installing this sculpture is certainly one of our cutest accomplishments.

7. Roses Roses Roses. Friends is responsible for maintaining the Public Garden’s rose gardens.

8. Keep those sculptures looking shiny and new. Since 2010, the Friends have worked to maintain

A dog dressed up on Duckling Day 2010

A dog dressed up on Duckling Day 2010

the 44 statues in the Boston Common, Public Garden and Commonwealth Avenue Mall. The cost of cleaning a sculpture is less than $1,000, while the cost of a full-scale restoration is upwards of $20,000. Your support now means we can keep costs lost while keeping these wonderful parks looking their best.

9. Duckling Day. The most adorable Mother’s Day Celebration there is.

10. Anyone who donates before May 1 will be entered into a drawing to win lunch for two at the Four Seasons!

Click here to join the Friends of the Public Garden.

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