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10 Garden Bed Designs

By Sowanddipity @Sowanddipity
10 Garden Bed Designs

If your looking for curb appeal, then these ideas are for you! From edible to incredible, there is something that suits every garden style with these 10 garden bed designs.

10 Garden Bed Designs

This simple geometrical design was spotted at the Chicago Botanical gardens. Agave sits nestled in the center of yellow Sagina surrounded by squares of Caluna. If your looking for something formal but is still a riot of color, then this patterned design is for you!

10 Garden Bed Designs

It's mid August and this garden bed design is still going strong! Purple leafed wax begonia, purple flax and white Cleome.

10 Garden Bed Designs

A shady spot can look fabulous with variegated hosta's. This is a shot of my front bed under a gorgeous pink flowering Rhododendron. I always like to tuck something fun into various areas of the garden for people to discover like this birdhouse and sign.

10 Garden Bed Designs

This city planting is a gorgeous mix of bright colors in a rather shady spot. Coleus in many varieties creates a mat below the purple fountain grass.

10 Garden Bed Designs

It's all about the edibles in this garden bed. Feathery Fennel, colorful Swiss Chard and other herbs and veggies are finished with a border of parsley.

10 Garden Bed Designs

Ipomea in two colors fills this bed out in late fall. The purple fountain grass has put on size and colorful fall mums replace spent summer annuals.

10 Garden Bed Designs

Gorgeous colors are at play in this garden bed spotted outside a Recreation Center on Vancouver Island. The moss mushroom topiary with its blue succulent 'spots' is adorable while bringing out the blue in the Helichtotrichon grass.

10 Garden Bed Designs

Such a simple application but very dramatic! Perfect for a shady bed, these two contrasting colors of Coleus looking stunning in this pattern.

10 Garden Bed Designs

What lurks there?! A fun bed design seen in Chicago along a busy street, this topiary sea creature looks right at home in the blocks of colorful annuals below.

10 Garden Bed Designs

Low maintenance is the key to this garden bed I have at the end of my driveway. I love the height of a happy Canna in the middle with geraniums, ipomea and petunias.

10 Garden Bed Designs

You can still have flowers in the winter like this decorative bark mulch design! After the summer annuals are spent, I plant hundreds of bulbs for a beautiful spring show. To add extra protection from the cold, I like to play with bark mulch and saw dust shavings by drawing cool designs that last all the way until the bulbs push through in spring.You can learn more about this technique here: Decorative Bark Mulch

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10 Garden Bed Designs
10 Garden Bed Designs
10 Garden Bed Designs

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