Life Coach Magazine

1 Voice Headband

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

How many times have you gone out running, dripping sweat, trying to adjust your headphones but at the same time, you accidently pull the wire and they come out of your ears completely? Be free of headphone tangle drama with 1 VOICE! Inspired by the ever-growing use of earbuds during exercise, recreation, and even one’s commute, 1 Voice decided the market was due for an overhaul.

The 1 Voice Headband offers wearers a tangle-free, snag-free listening experience when it’s time to hit the course, pound the pavement, or get in one last yoga pose. With the 1 Voice Headband, fitness minded enthusiasts are discovering a whole new way to get psyched for their work out.  The sports headband hooks up wirelessly to any Bluetooth-enabled phone or music player and delivers awesome sounding music to you cord-free.


It’s so easy too – sync your device, slip the headband on, and pop in your earbuds. Easy peasy. The earbuds are made with a silicon gel sleeve for added comfort and passive noise isolation that takes one’s playlist to the next level, while its enhanced performance fabric wicks away sweat and keeps its wearer cool. It even includes a built-in microphone so urgent calls can be taken care of while on-the-go.

Now I don’t have to bring along my iPod or iPhone, corded earbuds and a separate headband so I’ve reduced the ever-growing list by one. YAY!  These bluetooth earbuds make it so easy to listen to your favorite music when you run. The headband is a very nice, simple black so it matches everything. The headband itself does not slip around either, fits nice and helps wick the sweat.

I was traveling recently and my dear friend’s husband LOVED this 1 Voice headband so much I let him borrow it for his workout. I told him if he was going to use them, he’d have to let me take his picture when he got back and he gladly agreed! He liked them so much I actually gave them to him and his wife to enjoy!!


I also read somewhere that most runners carry their head stiff and straight to avoid snagging the cord on their shirts or arms and having to deal with earbuds getting yanked out of their ears. Running with Bluetooth earbuds and not having to worry about snagging wires – gives you total freedom and lets you hit that runner’s high with ease and better posture.

I was provided a 1 Voice headband for the purpose of an honest review and was not required to give a positive opinion, but chose to. All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own.

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