I really thought it might be too dark and too harsh for me, but actually I’m rather pleasantly surprised as it’s much more wearable than I first imagined, and versatile too as you can dab it on as a stain to give an even sheerer finish! I actually love the color and that it has flecks of magenta sparkle running through it that add dimension and depth to it, I actually think it would make a fabulous nail polish! Apologies for the lip swatch photographs, they aren’t the best, I took them on a day whilst I was poorly, my lips were dry and my skin was drained of color too!

Mr Beauty Scoop would disagree with my sentiments about the shade of this lipstick (his actual words were ‘sh!@ty horrible dark lipstick’), but then he’s a bit of a bore where my make-up is concerned, he doesn’t like anything too bright, colourful or dark (so it seems now)... but truth be told, I don’t listen to him all that much where these things are concerned – ha!
The lipstick wears well, just like you’d expect a Rouge Volupt茅 to (even with their glossy finish) and actually survived me drinking from a glass (no straw) and eating a sandwich – it was a little sheerer afterwards, but there was definitely plenty of color left on my lips. I really do think you get what you pay for with these!

I have a penchant for luxury brands, I make no secret of this fact and Yves Saint Laurent lipsticks in particular really satisfy my need for such luxuries – especially with their gorgeous gold casings! Aren’t they lovely?!
What do you think of this shade, is it something you’d wear, or is it too scary for you?