Current Magazine

Your Move Starbucks! When Are We Going To Be Able To Get A Venti Coffee In An Ice Cup?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Time reports that Coca-Cola has introduced a new bottle to Colombian consumers made of ice.

From the article:

“Coke is touting the environmentally friendly nature of these melt-away bottles, but as ABC News points out, they require so much extra refrigeration that it basically cancels out the eco-friendly aspect.”

3 Other Products We’d Like To See Made Of Ice

1. Ice cube trays. Mind blowing, right?

2. Baseball scorecards. Who are these fans who sit at games and score them? Are they ever gonna look back at these scorecards and reminisce about how great the game was? Since all of the information is available instantly on the environmentally-friendly internet, we’d like to see all of these score cards melt. Then the score would be Environment 1, Reason Not To Talk To Your Wife At The Ol’ Ballgame, 0.

3. Hotel Ice Buckets. How do you know nobody ever vomited in your ice bucket? Ice ice buckets are the only way to be sure. Be sure to add some ice from your ice ice cube tray, preferably while staying in Quebec’s ice hotel, while singing, Ice, Ice Baby.

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