Many years ago, when I was 12 and barely tall enough to reach the mailbox, checking it on the way home from school was my sweet daily habit. Mail would usually come no more than 5 times a month - some bills, a newspaper and perhaps a card or a letter from whoever was still into that way of keeping in touch. Finding a piece of paper in that blue box was always exciting and something I used to look forward to.Long gone are those days and how I do miss them! Mailboxes in the states are being spammed, junked, abused and disgraced in so many ways on a daily basis, excluding Sunday. Where do all those people, businesses and credit card agencies find my address and how do they know all the stuff about me? Making one purchase online and applying for a car loan was enough to find piles of letters in my mailbox just 3 weeks after I changed the address.
It can be nice sometimes, to come home and find an envelope with my name and address on it, to feel that I am not forgotten and no matter what there will always be some bank, store or just a local business thinking about me and sending me all the nice words and offers. This factor I can certainly appreciate!
The rest of the unwanted mail can still be pretty annoying and feel like a waste. I personally rarely even open those letter, let alone read them. Am I the only one?