Hey guys. Happy Hump Day!

Here’s breakfast. 2 slices of Ezekiel sprouted grain bread, toasted with a smidgen grape jam.
How fun and cool, right? NO!
I also had a mug of hot lemon water, probiotics and a mug of green tea.
Gotta get my tea, yo!
On a side note… I lost my camera. I had it last night for taking pictures of blueberry margaritas but now it’s gone.
It’s not in the living room where I wrote the post, it’s not in my room, it’s not in my purse. I’m running out of places to look. Now I’m stuck posing pictures from instagram on my blog.

I got back into my fitness groove last night with a 2 mile run that turned into a 4 mile run, which then evolved into a 6 mile run.
With being so sick for the last 2 weeks I took a complete 10 days off. Which makes me a little nervous for the SunRiver 1/2 Marathon. But I’m picking up my training plan where I left off and hopefully it won’t be too bad. Determination get’s you through anything, right?
My new shoes rocked! My feet were a little sore last night but nothing crazy and they’re ready to go today. That’s always a good sign.
On the fitness agenda today is some strength training and an hour on the elliptical tonight after work. I gotta get my cardio up in prep for the race.
Who would you most like to meet and why?
Michael Jordan because he’s sort of my childhood hero.
Would you rather have a blueberry muffin or scone?
What was your favorite soda as a kid?
Mountain Dew and my Mom would never let me have it.