Most Mums recognise that escaping for some ‘me’ time is a necessary way of maintaining some resemblance of sanity amongst the chaos that a busy lifestyle can bring. I will be totally upfront and say that without the ocasional opportunity to escape, I would be stark raving bonkers. Totally and utterly screwy. It’s well and truly worthwhile avoiding the spinoff from a tired, worn out and stressed Mum – what a no win situation for everyone in the household that is!
In order to regroup, gather my thoughts and pretend I’m a grown-up again, I very much like taking a little slice of time out for myself, you know, to enjoy a bit of the high life. Like a good game of bingo, for instance. Yes, yes you DID read that correctly. I {heart} bingo … and there’s nothing wrong with that!
There are so many myths associated with a good Bingo-hall game of ball-calling. You don’t need to wear a floral frock made of 10-way stretch fabric. You don’t need to wear bright orange lippy and a string of white plastic beads as both such accessories are totally optional. A purple-rinsed-perm is not compulsory but ok, sadly this one is true – a thermos of International Roast always seems to be a welcome table ornament.
Last night, I escaped for my me-time. Down the motorway, to the big smoke for a wild game of bingo. My friend and I were not the youngest there (some players had brought their grandchildren along) ….. although we probably were a little overdressed with long pants and closed in shoes.
With dabbers at the ready, eyes down we willed the right balls to fall, eager to call out loudly and proudly for our winnings. Well. It. Just. Did. Not. Happen. Bugger. There was to be no jumping out of our chairs screaming BINGO! BINGO! BINGO! for us.

BUT there was a lot of learning for me last night and I think that I have found a new lady-hero. Between numbers being called that were not the ones I needed (grumble), I closely studied the lady sitting to my left who was THE BOSS of multi-tasking. Using the electronic bingo machine with her left hand, she used a dabber to play up to 3 cards with her right hand and she mastered this while reading the New Weekly Mag. What a woman! You do know that I’m going to win BIG TIME next game I get to, right?
Do you ensure you get away for much needed me-time? So, what do you get up to when you escape? Wanna come to bingo with me?